Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
Hmm .. psychologically some may feel better when it is investing. Many of us will avoid lending money and even to our closest relatives
ReplyDeleteHaha Uncle8888
ReplyDeleteDepends how secured is the collateral :)
This one the collateral looks ok if economy remains good.
But if there's a severe recession in the first 3 years, then things may look a bit scary.
They are pricing in that any recession will only occur after the first 2 years, allowing cash buffers to be easily build up in the first 2 years to cover the capital of most of the A-1 bondholders (it should cover all the retail A-1 holders).
They are following the consensus by analysts that next recession will only start in early 2020 ... don't forget stock markets usually predict 6 months in advance.
To me, since there's good chance of recession within the next 5 years ... so instead of locking up my capital in this ... I rather keep my powder dry. Even a mild bear market will give better opportunities than this thing.
Investors will outperform lenders when market corrects or crashes.