I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investing has changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.

Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!

It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!

Click to email CW8888 or Email ID : jacobng1@gmail.com

Welcome to Ministry of Wealth!

This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!

"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth." - Dr. Alexander Elder

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle

It is here where I share with you how I did it! FREE Education in stock market wisdom.

Think Investing as Tug of War - Read more? Click and scroll down

Important Notice and Attention: If you are looking for such ideas; here is the wrong blog to visit.

Value Investing
Dividend/Income Investing
Technical Analysis and Charting
Stock Tips

Saturday 30 September 2017

Peter Lynch on His Secret to Superior Returns (2)

Read? Peter Lynch on His Secret to Superior Returns

How many retail really understand it?

How different from Peter's quote : So there's lots of stocks out there and all you need is a few of 'em. So that's been my philosophy. You have to let the big ones make up for your mistakes

There are 30 STI Blue Chips on quarterly survival-ship reviews; you just have to let that few blue chips bought on SGX Great Sales and let these few big ones make up for your losses in those few blue-black chips

You don't believe in Peter's quote?

You basically see a few stocks in your lifetime, that's all you need. I mean stocks are out there.

So there's lots of stocks out there and all you need is a few of 'em. So that's been my philosophy. You have to let the big ones make up for your mistakes.

Hmm ... surprising even one "Guru" conducting course doesn't really understand it too.

These wise words from Peter Lynch are too cheem!

Of course; we will make mistakes even Peter Lynch and Warren Buffet made mistakes; but they made much more money when they are right! That is the great different!

Read? When a Giant Gain Causes Pain (5)

Last night; one ex-vendor and ex-colleague jio Uncle8888 for dinner at the famous Clementi Satay. Of course; when they have dinner with Uncle8888; one of the thing to talk about will be on investing.

This ex-vendor is amazed at Uncle8888's decades of holding multi-bagger stocks and seriously he wanted to learn from him on how to hold multi-bagger stocks over the next market cycles.

His biggest regret of unable to hold winning stocks and this he must learn from Uncle8888 for the next bear market.

Uncle8888 bought DBS at $7.53; but he bought DBS at lower than Uncle8888 at $6+.

The biggest regret is that he sold DBS far too early; otherwise he will be the one telling better story of high yield of 9% multi-bagger blue chip - DBS.

Roast Duck For The Frugal

$15 x 2 = $30

Randomness, Chance, Luck And Co-incidence??? (2)

Read? Randomness, Chance, Luck And Co-incidence???

Are randomess, chance, luck and co-incidence co-related to the Law of Large Number?

Uncle8888 tends to believe so!

E.g. large account size; large this and that etc.

Uncle8888 has over the past one year picked one Indian passport; mobile phone, and several EZ link cards, student passes and coins during his roaming across large geographical areas on trains and buses.

Just recently picked up his ex-company unknown colleague's staff pass. LOL!

Law of Large Number at work!

Applicable to long-term investing?

Concentration or Diversification?

Apply diversification first and then eventually let your outcome and performance filtered out as concentrate. May be this is the way how retail investors can win this Game of investing!

9M 2017 Investment Performance Report

Read? H1 2017 Investment Performance Report

Not much change from H1 2017. Inactivity lor!

Stress test for patience and determination of self-bias investing strategy!

Friday 29 September 2017

F.I.R.E : FU$ Or No Thanks$

Uncle8888 technically reached financial independence on Jan 2013; but he didn't do FU$ to his Boss in 2013. It was only when he reached his 60th birthday; then he said No Thank$ to his Boss. 

F.I.R.E is either FU$ or No Thanks$

It is good to set your Goal to seek financial independence; then you will have the choice to exercise your FU$ or No Thanks$

Peter Lynch on His Secret to Superior Returns

Lynch provides insight on how to achieve exceptional results

In an interview he gave to PBS, Peter Lynch discussed what is needed to achieve a track record similar to his. Even though the answer seems simple on the surface, it has many insights that are worth commenting on.

Q: Was that your secret?

A: Well, I think the secret is, if you have a lot of stocks, some will do mediocre, some will do OK, and if one or two of 'em go up big time, you produce a fabulous result. And I think that's the promise to some people. Some stocks go up 20% to 30%, and they get rid of it, and they hold on to the dogs. And it's sort of like watering the weeds and cutting out the flowers. You want to let the winners run. When the fun ones get better, add to 'em, and that one winner, you basically see a few stocks in your lifetime, that's all you need. I mean stocks are out there. When I ran Magellan, I wrote a book. I think I listed over 100 stocks that went up over tenfold when I ran Magellan, and I owned thousands of stocks. I owned none of these stocks. I missed every one of these stocks that went up over tenfold. I didn't own a share of them. And I still managed to do well with Magellan. So there's lots of stocks out there and all you need is a few of 'em. So that's been my philosophy. You have to let the big ones make up for your mistakes.


Sometime; Uncle8888 smiled when some people to like to quote fallen blue chips to blue black chips. So what are STI blue chips?

They are actually nothing more than survival chips. Some will survive long enough to make their shareholders rich enough and not having to worry anymore on losing their hard earned saving. Some will turn into Blue-black chips! The rest are so and so; but still providing Panadols to ease heartache!

How many retail really understand it?

How different from Peter's quote : So there's lots of stocks out there and all you need is a few of 'em. So that's been my philosophy. You have to let the big ones make up for your mistakes

There are 30 STI Blue Chips on quarterly survival-ship reviews; you just have to let that few blue chips bought on SGX Great Sales and let these few big ones make up for your losses in those few blue-black chips. 

You don't believe in Pete's quote?

you basically see a few stocks in your lifetime, that's all you need. I mean stocks are out there.

So there's lots of stocks out there and all you need is a few of 'em. So that's been my philosophy. You have to let the big ones make up for your mistakes.

You Can Beat Computers Trading As Retail Traders And Even Worse As Part-Time Retail Traders???

Read? One of the world's largest hedge funds is now letting computers trade completely on their own

Our Bosses Are Always Right??? (Refresh)

Read? Our Bosses Are Always Right???

Just recently; Uncle8888 has repeated this to someone who was having Kopi-O kosong with him. It is especially true when you have a nice salary and stable job; and not having to worry about getting retrenchment for the next one to two decades. 

You can then spend more time & energy to focus on personal investing to accelerate your wealth building to reach F.I.R.E. 

You win liao!

Thursday 28 September 2017

Curry Fish Head For Frugal Shoppers North Of JB

S$2 = RM2???

RM2 Shop

RM14.84 (with 6% GST)

Wednesday 27 September 2017

More CPF investors beat guranteed risk-free returns in fiscal 2016

Read? More CPF investors beat guranteed risk-free returns in fiscal 2016

MORE CPF members who invested their savings in their ordinary account (OA) under the Central Provident Fund Investment Scheme (CPFIS) outperformed the guaranteed annual 2.5 per cent interest rate per annum in fiscal year 2016.

Some 78 per cent of active CPF investment account holders or 441,000 members achieved profits larger than 2.5 per cent in the 12 months to Sept 30, 2016 as equity markets recovered from the 2015 rut. Some 12 per cent or 66,000 active CPF investors incurred losses on their investments.

This was a marked improvement from the preceding fiscal year, when only 27 per cent of active CPF investors made profits larger than 2.5 per cent or 159,000 members while some 58 per cent or 340,000 members made losses.

Under the scheme, CPF members can invest in CPFIS-included funds such as approved unit trusts and equity funds, as well as other investment products such as stocks and shares, after setting aside S$20,000 and S$40,000 in their OA and Special Account (SA) respectively.

The CPF Board has tweaked the way it measures the performance of investments made through OA savings under the CPFIS to be more aligned with the industry practice of fund managers.

It has excluded CPFIS account holders with no investments, and factored in unrealised gains or losses for investments held during the reporting period from Oct 1 to Sept 30.

Previously, the annual report on the performance of CPFIS-OA only captures realised profits or losses and includes all members with a CPF Investment Account even if they have no investments.

The change in the formula will hence better reflect members' total investment portfolio performance, rather than just realised performance. But it will also lead to more volatile changes in performance on a yearly basis.

To reflect longer-term performance, the CPF Board will also provide the cumulative profit or losses over time.

These changes are made in response to an observation by the CPF Advisory Panel in August 2016 that the investment performance under CPFIS could include unrealised returns where relevant.

But given the resource constraints for industry players to re-compute the data using the new methodology for past years, the CPF Board could only go as far back as fiscal 2015.

Applying the new methodology for fiscal 2015, the proportion of members with losses was revised to 58 per cent from 38 per cent under the old method. (CW8888: Wah!)

The proportion of members who made profits larger than the guaranteed annual 2.5 per cent interest rate for OA savings was 27 per cent instead of 16 per cent.

The old way of calculating also included CPF members who have an investment account but did not make any investment last year, while the new method excluded that group. The previous calculation included 909,000 members while the new method covers 583,000 members.


58% or 340,000 CPF members lost money (realized & unrealized) 
27% made more than 2.5%
15% breakeven

Hmm ... Look like there may be more demand for investment talks and courses!

Look at STI!

Mr. Bear is still sleeping!

When Mr. Bear wakes up ... may be 90% will lose money!

Randomness, Chance, Luck And Co-incidence???

Over the past one year of roaming over the land of Singapore and eating here and there at different hawker centres. 

Uncle8888 has bumped into several people whom he hasn't met for many donkey years those ex or ex-ex,  e.g. neighbour, colleagues, suppliers, classmates, army buddies, etc

These happening has made Uncle8888 wondering how come like that?

Probably it is due to more exposure of larger land coverage and larger time coverage; because Uncle8888 roams about in the morning, afternoon, evening and also many nights of Mon, Wed and Fri.

May be investing for multi-baggers is also like that. Larger coverage of selected stocks and larger time frame across market cycles; we may see randomness, chance, luck and co incidence at work.

Hmm ...

Tuesday 26 September 2017

ComfortDelgro : Something Has Happened Today! Who are the buyers and sellers?

Retail Investors : Active (DIY) vs. Passive (STI ETF, XXX Blue chips savers, etc)?

Active vs. Passive Investing and the “Suckers at the Poker Table” Fallacy

Who are the real suckers?

Uncle8888's has heard many time when he encountered new faces/starfishes that his slides are so cheem!

What is the real debate behind Active (DIY) vs. Passive (Index investing)?

One statement to clearly differentiate it: It is about building up one's own investing competency beyond self doubt!

Self-doubt? No?

Monday 25 September 2017

I 67 still working. You 60 want to retire? (2)

Read? I 67 still working. You 60 want to retire?

Unless it is your own company or your father's company. The day will come that the company thinks that it has given him enough grace or Face to "force" him to retire. No more extension for him. Now he became ex-GCTO of Uncle8888's ex-company.

We can love our job and want to work till our death; but; the company can't love us till our death to part!

You Have Good Faith On Claiming Large Sum Of Money From Your Medical Insurance???

Uncle8888 doesn't!

That is why he has Tap 2 as self-insured medical and health care fund in addition to coverage by medical insurance.

"We have bought insurances coverage on good faith; but don't ever expect the insurance companies to pay our claims on good faith as they are not our father or mother who helps to pour milk into our mouth as they exist to make money for their Management and their shareholders." - Createwealth8888

Singapore dividends to drop: study

Read? Singapore dividends to drop: study

2017 total will fall 3.6% as stalwarts such as StarHub, SPH and Keppel disappoint

Sunday 24 September 2017

What has been your best investment?

Uncle8888 was flipping the pages of SundayTimes at NLB when he came to read on ME & MY MONEY.

Vicom was one "Guru" stock pick.

BreadTalk was the other late "Guru" stock pick.

He was very curious to know what was or is that multi-bagger stock pick by this value investing "Guru".

But, he was shocked, arh and walau at the answer!

When he recovered from the initial shock; he thinks deeper why like that!

Yeap! "Guru" was right! He is actually running a training school business making much more money than investment return from personal financial investment from stocks picking.

Now "Guru" answer made real sense to Uncle8888. Truly honest answer!

Fully agreed! "Guru" best investment is Msc (e-business). 

Bei kamping. Bei kamping!

One Uncommon Way To Top Up CPF OA Through CPFIS

Read? CPF Contribution and Allocation Rates

Read? 2016 : Key Fact of Household Income In Singapore

Read? Government to review CPF Investment Scheme: DPM Tharman

Read? The Dilemma Of Young Personal Financial Investment Influencers

Few points to take note:

1. The CPFIS was set up to offer CPF members a way to earn higher returns on their savings but it is "not fit for purpose", Mr Tharman told an audience at the Economic Society of Singapore's annual dinner. 

Over the past 10 years, more than 80 per cent of the CPF members who put their savings into an investment product via the CPFIS would have been better off just leaving their money in the Ordinary Account, which earns a guaranteed 2.5 per cent each year, Mr Tharman noted.

Some 45 per cent of those who made use of the CPFIS even made losses over the same period.

2. Maximum CPF allocation to CPF OA is 23% of wage

3. The Ordinary Wage (OW) Ceiling limits the amount of OW that would attract CPF contributions. The OW Ceiling is capped at $6,000 currently. (Before 1 Jan 2016, OW Ceiling was $5,000)

4. Assuming 3 months year end bonus.

5. Median gross monthly income in 2016 is $4,056 and i.e. 68% of OW Ceiling of $6,000

How much can we possibly have in our CPFIS as war chest?

By simplifying the Maths

Maximum mandatory contribution to CPF OA as employees at OW Ceiling = 23% x $6,000 x 15 = $20,700 per year

For 10 years : $207,000 in CPFOA or  35% for CPFIS = $72, 450

For 20 years : $414,000 in CFP OA or 35% for CPFIS = $144,900

For many of us, if not most of us as employees will not have large CPFIS as war chest. Right?

So how to win this CPFIS war game?

Understand their wise words

"It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong." ~ George Soros

In the famous book entitled Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Jessie Livermore said: “After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of dollars I want to tell you this: It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight! 

It is no trick at all to be right on the market. You always find lots of early bulls in bull markets and early bears in bear markets. I've known many men who were right at exactly the right time, and began buying or selling stocks when prices were at the very level, which should show the greatest profit. 

And their experience invariably matched mine -- that is, they made no real money out of it. 

I found it one of the hardest things to learn. But it is only after a stock operator has firmly grasped this that he can make big money. It is literally true that millions come easier to a trader after he knows how to trade than hundreds did in the days of his ignorance.”

Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon


Many financial investment writers out there in the cyber world like to share on theories and concepts so it is about time for Uncle8888 to share with you the story of Coca Cola - The Real Thing!

Hmm .. may be too young to know this past long running advertisement of Coca Cola.

It is harder to tune to the whisper of lone voice among the loud Pipers' call in the social media of investing circus  showing amazing acts with CPF accounts for retirement; but finally we still have to choose our own poison to act!

That is equivalent of $17.8K top up to his CPF OA per year for 17 years since Uncle8888 started as serious retail investor from Jan 2000 to 2017.

On top of $303K, each refund back to CPF OA will continue to earn 2.5% compound interests for X to 1X years.

Total investment gains will include another $XX,XXX interests and the best part is that counting of investment gains is not ending soon. 

For how many more good years to count? Don't know!

PS: The current CPF Annual Limit is $37,740 since 2016.

Hmm ..

Effective top up to his CPF OA$20,700 + 17,836 = $38,536.


CPF OA has exceeded CPF Annual Limit of $37,740 for voluntary CPF Top up!

Saturday 23 September 2017

ComfortDelgro & SPH : Earlier Years & Recent Years Investor

Depending on who we ask?

Those earlier years investors who have stayed invested decades ago or those recent years investors?

Those earlier years investors who have been laughing to the bank year on year for a long time may now tell you this ...

Okay lah. 

Now earn lesser la!

Our investment outcome is always relative to the time frame of reference.

So Hard To Understand! Really?

One Problem With Retirement!!!

No more eating snake during office hours e.g. extended tea breaks and lunch breaks, chatting in forums and cboxes, surfing the web for financial stuff, etc

Actually as employees; eating snake is quite shiok as you still get paid for it!

Friday 22 September 2017

Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (6) - Refresh!

Where does the money from stock market come from?

Uncle8888 thought that regular (silent) readers understand it; but the truth is some still don't.

Retail traders are more likely to understand it!

But, do retail investors likely to understand it?

Read? Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (6)

Before we learn to become competent investor through improving our technical skills in investing;  we better be very clear on this : Where does the money from stock market come from?

Wednesday 20 September 2017


Read? Why Blue Chips? Depending Who You Ask??? (2)

1.  Kep Corp (Still have)
2. SembCorp (Still have)
3. SPC (Delisted)
4. ComfortDelgro (All sold)
5. DBS (Still have)
6. Semb Marine (All sold)
7. Noble (Still have)
8. Kep Capital (Delisted)
9. Olam (All sold)
10. ST Engg (All sold)

This ComfortDelgro is NOT the last comfort anymore so Mr. Market has to give out big discount to attract new buyers!

It is getting interesting now!

Margin of safety ???

temperament20 September 2017 at 17:32:00 GMT+8

Hi CW****(4 star GENERAL)

My compliment:-

"A margin of safety is achieved when securities are purchased at prices sufficiently below underlying value to allow for human error, bad luck, or extreme volatility in a complex, unpredictable and rapidly changing world.” – Seth Klarman

How to achieve this kind of margin of safety?

We can't possibly analyze it!

Only Mr. Market will indicate to us over the next few market cycles whether we have achieved this kind of margin of safety.

Less analyzing. More investing - CW8888

Leave it to Mr. Market as he has the final call!

Dim Sum For The Frugal

I Can. You Can. $1M Annual Income Dream Job

Tuesday 19 September 2017

2016 : Key Fact of Household Income In Singapore

How many households married with kid(s)/kid(s) and dependent parents can accumulate from their saving to build investment portfolio of $500K to $1M to generate passive (investment) income of $3K to $5K per month?

How long will it take for them to retire on investment portfolio?

Do you think those investment bloggers in Singapore showing you large investment income fall on the left or right side of  Median household income statistics?

With that answer; what young investors should do to be on the right path on their investing journey?

Monday 18 September 2017

The Dilemma Of Young Personal Financial Investment Influencers

Read? Top Up CPF SA From CPF OA? Depending On Who You Ask! (10)

With more young personal financial investment influencers coming on board the investment blogosphere. We are seeing this dilemma exhibited quite clearly in the cyber space!

The wonder of compounding interests of additional 1.5% over the next 30 to 40 years in CPF SA to secure retirement well in advance vs the potent power of investment return in CPFIS across market cycles. This potent power of investment return in CPFIS can generate either gigantic return or destroy wealth.

With CPFIS, CPF members may be better off doing Bar Bell investing approach across market cycles by earning compounding interests at 2.5% safely during peace times and when opportunity arises; they take higher risk and moves over to the other end of the Barbell for investing return. Of course; it all depends on your investing skills; but have you put in 10,000 hours before the next opportunity arises?

BUT; many CPF members may wrongly treat CPFIS as money paper; and hence have no patience for investment return.

Since Government have already put in place hard limit as risk control and management i.e. 65% at 2.5% and 35% from negative to positive return so the ball is at our court. May be this is why we have this dilemma.

Uncle8888 also once had this dilemma. But; somehow he has managed to overcome it since he was very determined to become an active competent investor over market cycles even though he didn't have 30 years ahead of him as he was already 40+; but he still managed to kill his dilemma!

He has to arrive richer to retire earlier or poorer to continue to work until dead!

Sunday 17 September 2017


Seeing it on own eyes is better than seeing photo on newspapers. :-)

The best investors sit on plenty of cash

Read? The best investors sit on plenty of cash

The most famous, of course, is the legendary financial guru Warren Buffett, whose company, Berkshire Hathaway, sits pretty on a war chest of US$70 billion (S$94 billion) as at the end of last year.

His partner, fellow billionaire Charlie Munger, reputedly advised investors: "There are worse situations than drowning in cash and sitting, sitting, sitting. I remember when I wasn't awash in cash - and I don't want to go back.

And they are hardly outliers in that sense. A study of nearly two million households with investment portfolios of US$3 million or more in 2015 by United States Trust Company, one of oldest trustee companies in the US, showed that eight of every 100 respondents held at least 50 per cent of their portfolios in cash. A further 14 in 100 had at least 25 per cent in cash, while another 40 out of 100 held between 10 and 24 per cent of their portfolios in cash.


For the rich, there may be no urgency of cash flow to meet yearly household expenses so it is NOT the case of financial independence when passive income just exceeds household expenses with the need of staying mainly invested for investment income.

REITs. Simply explained! (6) - Revisit (Good to refresh)

Uncle8888 after reading this in the investment bogosphere ...

At the same time, I do get feedback from more savvy active investors telling me REITs are financial engineered vehicles, they are low return, a dumping ground for parent companies. We should steer clear of them.

Are these savvy investors correct?

I think the primary basis of sustainable investment is adequate respect given to price you pay versus the intrinsic value.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Read? REITs. Simply explained! (6) - Revisit

Separating the Dos From the Don'ts of Investing

Caution alone is not an investment strategy, so Marks penned a follow-up memo last week to give investors six options for how to invest in a low-return world:

1. Invest as you always have and expect your historic returns.

2. Invest as you always have and settle for today’s low returns.

3. Reduce risk to prepare for a correction and accept still lower returns.

4. Go to cash at near-zero return and wait for a better environment.

5. Increase risk in pursuit of higher returns.

6. Put more into special niches and special investment managers.

(CW8888: Why many will fail at market timing?)

3. Reduce risk to prepare for a correction and accept still lower-returns.

Pros: Reducing risk can give you valuable dry powder to take advantage of future opportunities. The hope is that you can put money to work at lower valuations or higher yields if and when things eventually go wrong. Cash is a position even if it doesn’t pay much in terms of interest income at the moment. Reducing risk offers optionality.

Cons: You could be waiting a long time to put your money back to work, so extreme patience is required. In the latest streak the S&P 500 Index hasn’t had a double-digit decline since February 2016. There have been no 5 percent downturns since June 2016. And it’s been 10 months since the last 3 percent correction.

Timing the market is also a gateway investment to a cash addiction. There are always good reasons to wait for another buying opportunity. When stocks go up you tell yourself you’ll wait for a correction, and when a correction comes you tell yourself you’ll wait until they drop just a little further. There are no all-clears when things are going down, so you must incorporate rules to guide your actions. Going to cash also means you have to be right twice -- once when you get out and again when you get back in.

There are no right or wrong answers here, but Marks’ idea of combining different strategies seems like a prudent form of risk management. Investing is a form of regret minimization, so a diversification by strategy is an intelligent way to minimize the probability of making the wrong choice.

Read? Separating the Dos From the Don'ts of Investing

Saturday 16 September 2017

Top Up CPF SA From CPF OA? Depending On Who You Ask! (10)

Read? Top Up CPF SA From CPF OA? Depending On Who You Ask! (9)

Read? Optimising Your CPF For Retirement

You are younger and seriously want to become competent active investor and will put in your time and effort to master this investing skill over the next few market cycles?

ComfortDelgro : News driven stock price!

Good news went up and bad news came down!

What is the likely good news?

Friday 15 September 2017

Two Bank Accounts? No, You may need Four! - (6)

Read? Two Bank Accounts? No, You may need Four! - (5)

Four bank accounts are for ease of tracking and monthly downloading of Excel file; and particularly the Investment account is important for us to PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY separate our investment from all other needs and wants. This setup will help us to ride the emotional roller coaster rides across market cycles without worrying too much about meeting living expenses.

Uncle8888 over the last 17 years hasn't touch a single cent in his investment account; but next year onward will be different as he is now a retiree depending on sustainable retirement income for life!

Where are the money taps to fund four bank accounts?

Thursday 14 September 2017

One Uncommon Act Of Kindness! (6)

Read? One Uncommon Act Of Kindness! (5)

Still a bit cool when Uncle8888 touched it but Walau! !

Minimize Your CPF OA Before Taking HDB Housing Loan As An Option??? Two Pre-emptive Moves

Firstly; max out CPFIS and stay fully invested before considering HDB housing loan as option. In later years can sell stocks and refund back to CPF OA to service housing loan when necessary. (CW8888 : Hmm ... really arh. Sound like retail investing by CPF members over market cycles is not that difficult hor OR you are damn lucky at the right time!)

Secondly; max out transfer from CPF OA to CPF SA. (CW8888 : Still ok!)

Read? Government to review CPF Investment Scheme: DPM Tharman

Wednesday 13 September 2017


Uncle8888 has received one-time rebate to offset his premium payable for 2017 renewal due to ElderShield claims have been lower than projected in last 5 years of the scheme.

Uncle8888 and his spouse actually don't need ElderShield; but they didn't opt out since Eldershield is social insurance pool.  

Just treat as charity contributions to pool and hopefully help to make it sustainable.

Being “Miserly” Without Any Whispers Of Unhappiness???

Read? Being “Miserly” To The Mrs?

Once married or worse married with kid(s); we are never that one and ONLY person. 

Your spouse doesn't have your DNA. 

Your children also don't inherit 100% of your DNA!

How to be "miserly" without any whispers of unhappiness?

Stay single!

Five days no change of underwear. Nobody care!

Upgrading before it is too late??? (2)

Read? Eschew the too-good-to-be-true carrot

How true is this! Heavy financial commitments such as monthly mortgage payments are a good deterrent against worker bees from leaving their hives.

CW8888: Carrying on mortgage payments at low net worth after retirement or forced retirement is scary; but how many folks can feel in their bone before upgrading as they are decades away?

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Learn Investing From Agar Agar Non Commercial Vested Retail Investors???

Singapore Man of LeisureSeptember 10, 2017 at 6:53 PM


Have you noticed in documentaries about Master Chefs or Ah Ma's home cooking, the way they cooked is "agar agar" and a bit any-o-how? Fusion this, mix-and-match that?

But for cooking class programs for beginners, everything is measured in EXACT proportions, French is French, Cantonese is Cantonese, Korean is Korean? Step by step and no short-cuts (even though there are)!

How many audiences believe they can learn by watching agar agar Ah Ma's home cooking and then can cook the similar meals close to that standard?

You can even watch many times on slow motion. You may not even guess or get the amount of agar agar right!

You may have to cook together with Ah Ma a few more time under supervision by Ah Ma to get it ABOUT RIGHT!

For same reason; many will flock to those have secret recipes with measurement and clear description. No agar agar hor!

Same for investing. Many are willing to pay for Secret Manual with formula and worksheets as measuring tools. 

Who have the time and patience to listen to agar agar investors?

Too difficult to understand!

What is agar agar?

Monday 11 September 2017

How To Give Thoughtful Gift To Your Teachers At Next Teacher's Day?

One such example!

Master The Art Of Sword Fighting In The Stock Market Through Secret Manual???

Read? Random thoughts: Of Swordplay, Pedagogy and Investment

Read? Master the Art of Formless Form - The Greatest of All Kung Fu in Investing

Unlike those days of sword fighting; they couldn't purchase those secret manual of sword fighting or supreme kung fu to become the best sword-man or sword-woman; or pugilistic master. No matter how much Gold or Silver they could afford. These Secret Manuals were not for SALE!

They had to either steal; rob or became the most beloved disciples to get those Manual.

But; now you can easily purchase these secret manual to become better sword-man or sword-woman in the stock market if NOT the best. 

You got $X,XXX to spare? 


Never mind. You can get cheaper e-manual at $XXX through e-learning to become somehow lesser master. Self-learning mah! 

Sunday 10 September 2017

One Uncommon Act Of Kindness! (5)

Read? One Uncommon Act Of Kindness! (4)

For a long, long time; Uncle8888 has seen many time on top of this dry-rising main inlet Red cabinet is a plastic bag of food stuff; or sometime a bag of fruits like oranges, apples, etc. 

Who are they putting these items and for whom?

These days Uncle8888 is sibei eng and seen loitering somewhere doing people watching while surfing the cyberworld on his mobile to consume up his data plan and don't waste it.

Who place these items?

The mystery was solved today!

The item was placed there by one senior woman who was walking with her little grandson(?). 

When she turned the corner and walked back to the other side of the flat; Uncle8888 looked at her and she looked back as she might have noticed Uncle8888 was watching her action.

Next, Uncle8888 was wondering who will take this item?

He stayed longer there to find out who?

One old lady staying in the block checked the item in the plastic bag and immediately took it away with her!

Is this an anonymous act of charity of food distribution to anyone care to take the gift?

What do you think?

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