I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investing has changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.

Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!

It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!

Click to email CW8888 or Email ID : jacobng1@gmail.com

Welcome to Ministry of Wealth!

This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!

"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth." - Dr. Alexander Elder

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle

It is here where I share with you how I did it! FREE Education in stock market wisdom.

Think Investing as Tug of War - Read more? Click and scroll down

Important Notice and Attention: If you are looking for such ideas; here is the wrong blog to visit.

Value Investing
Dividend/Income Investing
Technical Analysis and Charting
Stock Tips

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Noble: Full 1 year 2011 highlights

Record Group volume of 220 million tonnes, up 19% year on year

▶ Record Group revenue of US$80.7 billion, up 42% on FY 2010

▶ Group net profit of US$431 million, in part moderated by depreciation from start up assets kicking in and from cost of long maturity funding base

▶ Group EBITDA of US$1,172 million

▶ S&P credit watch removed, BBB- rating affirmed

▶ US$16.6 billion in committed and uncommitted facilities and a further increase in liquidity headroom to US$6.1 billion

▶ 69% of debt due after two years

▶ Further liquidity options for recycling strategy – Gloucester/Agriculture

▶ Net book value reached US71 cents per share, representing a compound annual growth of 33% in last ten years

Monday 27 February 2012

Swiber Holdings FY2011 profit falls 14% despite record turnover


Swiber Holdings Limited on Monday said its net profit for the fiscal year ended Dec 31, 2011 decreased 14 per cent year on year to US$32.07 million from US$37.27 million.

The group had recorded net revenue of US$654.49 million, representing a 40.5 per cent increased from a year ago.

Higher turnover was offset by higher administrative expenses in line with business expansion, a decrease in gain on asset disposal, higher finance cost, as well as lower share of profit from associates and joint ventures.

Earnings per share decreased to 6.3 US cents, from 7.4 US cents a year ago.

Investor sentiment in S'pore at "all-time low"

SINGAPORE: The global financial unrest has caused investor sentiment to hit an all-time low in Singapore, according to a survey by insurance and investment products provider Friends Provident International.

The survey said the European debt crisis has negatively impacted investors across all markets.

In Singapore, the latest Friends Provident International Investor Attitudes index showed a four-point decline from the last survey in July 2011.

Many respondents said they do not expect the market condition to improve anytime soon.
As a result, investors now prefer to hold gold and cash.

In addition, equities and shares have become the least-favoured asset.

However, some market players hold a different view.

They pointed out that the appetite for shares has improved as reflected by the 12 per cent rise in the benchmark Straits Times Index (STI) since the start of the year.

About 1,000 people who are mostly retail investors participated in the survey which was conducted from 9 to 20 January.

Friends Provident first began running the survey in the second quarter of 2010.

Friends Provident International principal officer and general manager Chris Gill said: "I think, looking forward, clearly the start of this year, we've seen equity markets around the world rallying and no different here in Asia and Singapore, particularly the market is up significantly in the first couple of months in 2012.

"But, looking forward, we believe clients should be investing in real assets to gain a real return in the long term."

- CNA/wk

10% dividend yield for 10 years? Fact or Fiction? (3)

Read? 10% dividend yield for 10 years? Fact or Fiction? (2)

Here is the double!

Semb Corp FY 2011 full year dividend = $0.17

Highest dividend yield = 23.1%
Average dividend yield = 11.9%

High yield for a blue chip is not a fiction!



Utilities business achieves record profits of S$304.4 million, up 32%

Highlights from Sembcorp’s FY2011 Financial Results

 Turnover at S$9.0 billion, up 3%

 Profit from Operations at S$1.3 billion, down 5%

 Net Profit before EI at S$809.3 million, up 6%

 Net Profit after EI at S$809.3 million, up 2%

 EPS at 45.3 cents

 ROE at 20.4%

 Proposing final tax exempt one-tier dividend of 17.0 cents per ordinary share, comprising an ordinary dividend of 15.0 cents and a bonus dividend of 2.0 cents

*Profit from Operations = Earnings before Interest and Tax + Share of Associates and JVs’ results (net of tax).

SINGAPORE, February 27, 2012 – Sembcorp Industries (Sembcorp) delivered a strong performance in 2011. Our net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company (net profit) for the full year 2011 (FY2011) grew 2% from S$792.9 million in 2010 to S$809.3 million, while turnover was up 3% from S$8.8 billion in the previous year to S$9.0 billion. Our main profit contributors continued to be our Utilities and Marine businesses, which accounted for 37% and 55% of Group net profit respectively. Our Utilities business delivered robust profit growth in FY2011, with net profit growing 32% to S$304.4 million. Record profits for the business were driven by good operating performance in Singapore, China and Middle East & Africa. Marine’s FY2011 net profit contribution to the Group was S$456.2 million compared to S$492.8 million in FY2010.

Return on equity for the Group was 20.4% and earnings per share amounted to 45.3 cents for the year. Economic value added was a positive S$728.2 million while cash and cash equivalents stood at S$3.0 billion.

In 4Q2011, Group net profit increased 10% to S$251.9 million against the previous year. Utilities delivered a strong 62% increase in net profit to S$88.2 million, growing its contribution to the Group’s net profit to 35% from 24% in 4Q2010. Marine’s 4Q2011 net profit was S$138.3 million, compared to S$145.8 million last year.

Playing The Game of Leverage (12) - Neither a lender nor a borrower be

Read? Insurance, Leverage, and Peace of mind.

This investment advice from Jeremy Grantham

If you borrow to invest, it will interfere with your survivability. Unleveraged portfolios cannot be stopped out, leveraged portfolios can. Leverage reduces the investor’s critical asset: patience.


Two great attributes of an investor: Gut and Patience!

Sign of interest rate picking up???

Maybank iSavvy 12-months FD at 1.18% when I renewed this morning. Last year was at 0.88% if I remembered correctly.

Sunday 26 February 2012

No stop loss??? The truth behind Uncle8888's no stop loss strategy. Know what you are doing!

Cut losses - The Truth, The Pain, and The Chance! (2)

The truth behind Uncle8888's no stop loss!

Uncle8888 has no-stop loss and he knows what he is doing. But, are you absolutely sure that no stop-loss strategy is actually right for you in the long run? Think about it seriously.

It is critical that you fully understand this!!!

"It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong." ~ George Soros

Any capital losses whether it is realised or unrealised losses are capital invested with NEGATIVE GROWTH and over long run you are going to be badly hit by inflationary impact. So it is not a simple matter of holding power or not! You must carefully evaluate you own investing performance and determine whether is no stop loss strategy is still right for you? For how long can you continue to take on negative growth?

What happen if no stop loss?

In the worst case, you will lose 100% of your invested capital. If you are prepared to lose 100% of your capital; then are you equally capable of holding multi-baggers to offset losses. If you think your emotions and personal psychology doesn't allow you to do it; then you better think twice of no stop loss stratgey as it may not be actually right for you.

"It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong." ~ George Soros

Wise words from George Soros!!!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Size matters: blue chips recover faster

They have a greater tendency to bounce back when recovery comes while small caps fall by the wayside


THE Straits Times Index has risen by 12 per cent so far this year. At a lunch this week, a friend commented that only the blue chips or the big-cap stocks have participated in the rally so far. Many of the small-cap stocks are still in the doldrums.


Blue chips are unlikely to lose 90 per cent of their market value as some smaller caps do, when their businesses are permanently impaired following a drastic change in environment.

I was curious as to whether that is indeed the case. So I decided to find out the prices of the stocks on the Singapore Exchange relative to their three and five-year highs and lows.

Overall, Singapore stocks are currently trading at a median 84 per cent higher than their three-year low, registered mostly in March 2009. Relative to the three-year high hit in April 2010, the median stock is still 39 per cent below that level.

For the five-year range, the median stock is 96 per cent above the March 2009 low, but also a long way from the peak reached in July 2007. The median stock is still 60 per cent below the peak reached in the last bull market.

But if we take only stocks with trading history that go back either three years or five years, then the median appreciation from the three-year low - also in March 2009 - is 94 per cent; while relative to the peaks April 2010, the median price level is still 39 per cent below that.

Between February 2007 and now, the median share price is 108 per cent above the lows in March 2009, and 65 per cent below the peaks in July 2007.

So now to the question: Is there a difference in the performance of the various segments of the market? Do all stocks perform uniformly, or is there a variation in the performance depending on the size of the companies?

In the accompanying table, I broke down the median price performance of stocks based on their market capitalisation. I grouped the stocks with market caps of $1 billion and above into one category, those between $200 million and $1 billion into another category, and those between $100 million and $200 million into yet another category. Finally, the last group would be stocks with market caps below $100 million.

The stocks were grouped based on their market caps on Feb 23, 2007 and on Feb 23, 2009 for the five- and three-year trading ranges.

From the table, you can see that the bigger the market cap of a stock, in general the better it performs relative to its three- and five-year lows and highs.

For example, for stocks with market caps of $1 billion and above, they are only 41 per cent below their five-year highs, and 13 per cent below their three-year peaks.

The smaller the stock gets, the greater the distance they are from their peaks. For stocks with market cap of $200 million to $1 billion, the median price is 58 per cent from the five-year peak.

Stocks with market cap of $100 million to $200 million have to climb 68 per cent before they reach the highs registered in July 2007. And for the micro chips, those with market caps of below $100 million, the climb is even steeper - at 72 per cent - before the previous peaks are in sight.

As for the bounce from the troughs in the last five years, again there is a strong correlation between size and the strength of the bounce.

For stocks with market caps of $1 billion and above, the median bounce from the five-year lows is 123 per cent. But stocks with market caps of $200 million to $1 billion proved a little more sprightly, with a median bounce of 128 per cent.

That's about the optimal size investors should go for if they seek growth. Any smaller, and the chances of any rebound from a crisis will be greatly diminished.

For stocks with market caps of $100 million to $200 million, the median current price levels is 110 per cent above the troughs, and for stocks smaller than that, it is 100 per cent.

The pattern is similar for the trading range over the last three years. Relative to their three-year peaks, stocks above $1 billion market cap have a median price which is only 13 per cent lower.

Those in the $200 million to $1 billion category are 32 per cent below their peaks; and those in the $100 million to $200 million category are 38 per cent from their three-year highs.

Again the micro caps are in general still very depressed, with a median price level which is 45 per cent below their recent peaks.

So what is the takeaway? For me, it is clear that size offers a safety feature that small caps don't have. Yes, during a crisis, a bear market, the likes of CapitaLand or Keppel Corp may fall along with the general market. But it is unlikely that they will lose 90 per cent of their market value as some of the smaller caps do, when their businesses are permanently impaired following a drastic change in the business environment.

And when the recovery comes, it is almost a certainty that the likes of Jardine Cycle & Carriage, and Dairy Farm will rebound back strongly. People will continue to buy cars, and they will continue to shop at Cold Storage.

Meanwhile, small caps have another obstacle working against them. Because of the sheer number of such stocks, some may get neglected even if their fundamentals are good. In circumstances like that, the sponsors are inclined to privatise the outfit and the exit price for retail investors sometimes may not even approach the fair value of the company.

So there is a tendency for good small caps to be taken out of the market, leaving the less desirable ones in the market.

On the whole, I'd say it is sounder to just stick to the established names and ride the ups and downs of the market with them.

Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (33)

Read? Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (32)

Have you been seriously tracking, measuring, and visualising your portfolio performance (XIRR/CAGR)?

If we strongly believe that investing is a process and our portfolio is Always Be Constructing (A.B.C); then like any processes they have to be tracked and measured for continuous process improvement so that we can achieve our expected output targets with the specified inputs.

A complete investing model with feedback loop for continuous process improvement

When our output i.e. wealth level from our investing process is below our expectation, we will have to seriously review it.

Is the investing process not working well or we have not been supplying reasonable level of input for the process to generate that expected level of output?

No input how to have output even we may have the best investing process in place?

Track, measure, visualise is an important component for the entire investing process model to work well. If you have not been seriously doing this feedback loop for your portfolio, start doing it this weekend.

Friday 24 February 2012

Olam - So dark!



More selling to come???

The Capital Group Companies has sold down from 9.1736 % to 8.826 %.
Shares were disposed of through a series of transactions from 28/11/2011 through 22/2/2012.

Why more corporations selling bonds or perpetual securities???

Just for Thinking ....

Read? Insurance, Leverage, and Peace of mind.

May be the banks are thinking that these corporations are too risky to lend them more money. The corporations have no better choice but to borrow money from the stock market through bonds or perpetual  securities by offering "attractive" interest payment to lenders in the current ultra low interest rate environment. It is damn "attractive".

Banks are not lending more money directly to these corporations. But I heard some "clever" retail investors were borrowing directly from the banks and then lent their borrowed money to these corporations by leveraging on the bank loans to buy these bonds or perpetual securities to earn the differences by taking on the risks which are deemed too high by the bankers.

The bankers are in the business of lending and they are not doing it. Are you thinking it loud?

Thursday 23 February 2012

Singapore's inflation at 8-month low

Singapore: Singapore's headline inflation rate in January rose 4.8% year-on-year, easing from the 5.5% on-year rise in December 2011.

The 4.8% rise in the consumer price index (CPI) was the lowest year-on-year increase since May.

However core inflation - which excludes private property rentals - rose to a three-year high of 3.5%.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) warned inflation will likely remain elevated in coming months.

Analysts say this indicates inflation remains a concern and that monetary
authorities are likely to keep policy tight.

- CNA/ir

Arab Spring shrinks Hyflux's 2011 earnings

Water treatment company says cash, order book will help it survive drought


PROJECTS that dried up during the Arab Spring last year shrank Hyflux's profit 40 per cent in 2011, but the water treatment specialist expects its cash pile and order book to help it to weather the drought.

The demand is still there. It's just that it's a timing issue, and Hyflux is definitely in the right place and the right sector to benefit.
- Olivia Lum,
Hyflux CEO
'We have seen our jobs in Libya evaporated, China fiscal and monetary tightening measures and also the euro crisis - all these have contributed to a low showing of the number of projects on the market,' Hyflux chief executive

Olivia Lum said at a results briefing yesterday.
'We have not seen such a dry year before (compared to 2011) as far as seawater desalination projects are concerned,' she added.
Net profit attributable to shareholders fell to $53 million, or 4.3 cents per undiluted share, for the year ended Dec 31, 2011.
The average consensus estimate was for earnings of $47.7 million and earnings per share of 5.6 cents, according to polls by Bloomberg.
Net asset value per share was 60.6 cents as at end-2011, up from 58.6 cents the year earlier.

Singapore-based Hyflux recommended a cash dividend of 2.1 cents per ordinary share.

Maybank Kim Eng analyst James Koh said the results met his expectations.
'The company is very well positioned both in terms of their technical know-how and in terms of their capabilities, in terms of their balance sheet,' he said.
'But the external factor is, I think, still quite challenging for them from an order win and order book kind of perspective. The contracts that went away from the Middle East are not going to be so easily replaced,' he added.

Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) severely cut turnover from the region, while existing projects neared completion. Sales from the region fell about two-thirds.

Tightening policy in China also trimmed sales in the country by 6.7 per cent.

Sales from other markets and Singapore, where Hyflux clinched the $890 million Tuaspring Desalination Plant project, was the only region of growth.

Ms Lum said that going forward, Hyflux will prefer to undertake both the power and water aspects of suitable projects that arise in the future, using its experience in doing the same thing for Tuaspring.
Power and water plants enjoy key synergies, she explained.

Hyflux's order book currently stands at $1.87 billion, with the bulk of it coming out of Singapore and China.

The company also has about $662.4 million in cash, on the back of long- term capital raising in 2011.
That has helped to mostly finance the Tuaspring project, said Hyflux chief financial officer Cho Wee Peng.
Ms Lum said the situation in the Mena region was showing early signs of improvement, and while pockets of opportunity exist, the outlook there remains uncertain.

Asia is expected to be the main growth driver in the near term.

The global outlook also remains uncertain, while higher operating and financing expenses in Singapore could raise short-term costs.

But Hyflux's balance sheet, order book and diversified exposure across three key regions give Ms Lum modest optimism about the year ahead.

'The projects are delayed, but they have not vanished,' Ms Lum said.

'The demand is still there. It's just that it's a timing issue, and Hyflux is definitely in the right place and the right sector to benefit.' she added.

Rotary Engg FY2011 profit falls 51%, cuts dividend to 2cts/shr


Rotary Engineering on Thursday reported a 69 per cent decrease in earnings for the fiscal fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2011 to $8.32 million from a year ago.

Revenue decreased 19 per cent year on year to $129.76 million from $156.56 million, due to fewer projects executed as a result of a delay in commencement of certain projects.

For the fiscal full year ended Dec 31, the group's earnings decreased 51 per cent year on year to $31.02 million from $63.74 million.

Turnover slipped 25 per cent year on year to $530.87 million from $704.24 million. However, gross profit margin remained stable.

Earnings per share for the fiscal year was 5.5 cents, down from 11.2 cents a year ago.
A 2 cents per share final cash dividend has been recommended. Together with the one cent per share interim dividend paid in September, the total dividends for FY2011 will be 3.0 cents per share.

In the preceding financial year, Rotary paid 3.8 cents per share final dividend and one cent per share interim dividend.

Olam to raise S$275m through issuing securities

SINGAPORE - Commodity firm Olam said it has launched and priced the issue of Singapore dollar denominated perpetual capital securities and will raise S$275 million through the offering. -- REUTERS

Wednesday 22 February 2012

NOL sinks into the red in Q4 and FY2011


NOL Group sunk into the red in the fiscal fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2011 with a net loss of US$320.43 million, due to higher costs associated with higher volumes and higher bunker costs.

A year ago, it made profit of US$177.47 million in the last quarter of the financial year.
Turnover for the quarter decreased 13 per cent year on year to US$2.4 billion, on the back of a decrease in liner revenue from lower freight rates across major trade lanes.

For the fiscal full year ended Dec 31, the group posted a net loss of US$478.18 million. A year ago, it reported a profit of US$460.94 million.
Cumulative turnover for the year slipped 2 per cent year on year to US$9.21 billion from US$9.42 billion.
Consequently, the group posted loss per share of 18.49 US cents. A year ago it reported earnings per share of 17.88 US cents.

Cambridge (CIT): Sold $0.52 , ROC 3.6%

Stuck for so long!

Round 2: ROC 3.6%, 362 days, B $0.49 S $0.52

Excluding total dividends collected at 8.5% yield

Round 1: ROC 19.5%, 347 days, B $0.455 S $0.545

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Sunday 19 February 2012

Losers Average Losers

Read? Losers Average Losers

Read? Keep averaging down on your favourite stocks???

Createwealth8888 likes ...

Paul Tudor Jones is one of the greatest traders in market history. Why? Because he’s consistently profitable. The best “anything” in the world are the best because they perform at a consistent, superior level for long periods of time. Michael Jordan isn’t considered the best basketball player ever because he scored 30 points ONCE in a game. It’s because he averaged 30 points per game over his ENTIRE career.

Createwealth8888 said ...
Yeah! To be successful we have to be consistent in our performance over a fairly long period of time e.g over 10 years to remove any beginner's luck.

But, when you read this ads in newspaper:

"I made $7,000 in 1 day Trading FX."

"I made $30,000 in 5 days."

Do these testimonials get you thinking that it was easy? Yes, I can!


Saturday 18 February 2012

Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (32)

Read? Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (31)

So what is investing?

It can be as simple as two sets of A.B.C.

  1. Always Be Constructing
  2. Always Be Controlling
Investing Process model

Always Be Constructing

In investing, your Capital is your Input into your Investing Process. Your output from this Process is your Return. Your Returns will create wealth for you. In this Investing Process, you will be always constructing your portfolio according to market conditions and your investing goals. Your portfolio should be under construction until you reach your investing goals. You must be fully aware that a portfolio constructed for wealth building will be much different from portfolio constructed for preserving wealth.
Always Be Controlling
In investing, you undertake risk for return. Risk and return are inseparable. You can only control risks to the level that you are comfortable with for that expected return. You can never directly control your returns; but can only expect them.
In investing, you always need to control your anxiety of fear and greed to take the necessary risks to generate that kind of returns in your portfolio to build up your wealth.
Why are you not building up your wealth?
You may want to think over these?
  1. Is your portfolio well constructed to meet your investing goals? Preserving wealth or building wealth?
  2. Have you control your anxiety to undertake risks for returns? Returns create wealth. No return means no wealth creation.
In investing, every other day, we are simply making a series of risk-and-return decision in our portfolio, should we buy, hold or sell?

If you have not been making enough of such decisions; how can you expect to be building up your wealth?

Is 2012 the start of a good race instead of Doom?

Read? My next investment marathon race (2012 - 2021)

When someone has become fearful, it is hard to tell him/her to be calm.
When someone has become greedy, it is hard to tell him/her to be cautious.  - Createwealth8888

I am still bullish at heart. ha ha!

Increase in CPF Contribution Rates for Older Workers

Lower CPF contribution rates for older workers were introduced to help improve the employability of older workers when seniority-based wage structures were prevalent. Since then, older workers have become more employable and progress has been made in reducing seniority-based wage rigidities. This positive trend is expected to continue. After consultation with its tripartite partners, the Government has reached a consensus to maintain in the long term the same CPF contribution rates for all workers up till age 55, rather than age 50.

The changes to CPF contribution rates for older workers will be introduced gradually to moderate the cost impact on employers and to take into account the subdued global economic outlook in the near term. The following increases as shown in the table below will be introduced as a first step with effect from 1 Sep 2012.

Increase in CPF older worker contribution rate

Indirectly, Uncle8888 has small pay increase (actually, it is pay re-stated).

The human touch market indicator

Just For Laugh ....

I realise that one human touch market indicator is to watch local Super Bear Guru who kept forecasting the Doom in 2012; but now he super diam diam on market view and that may mean the market will continue its bullish uptrend. But, when he starts to have market view again; it is time to get out of market. hee hee!

Thursday 16 February 2012

Olam - More selling to come?

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Uncle8888 made it back to 2007 Bull level again. Round 2

Uncle8888 has survived another market cycle of Bulls and Bears with his resilient Portfolio.

He is back to 2007 Bull Level a second time!

Sabana: Sold @ $0.91 ROC 2.8%

Not inclusive of two quarters of dividends collected. Dividend yield at 2.4% and 2.5% respectively

Round 1: ROC 2.8%, 189 days, B $0.88 S $0.91

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Rotary Engineering secures USD 34m contract to build storage tanks for power plant project in Saudi Arabia

“This is a strategic win for us and is another affirmation that our strateg to capitalise on our presence in Saudi Arabia is bearing fruit. We are hopeful and optimistic that more opportunities will open to us as we continue to fortify our presence in Saudi Arabia,” said Mr Chia Kim Piow, Chairman and Managing Director

SINGAPORE, 14 February, 2012 – MAINBOARD-LISTED Rotary Engineering Limited (Rotary) has secured a US$34 million Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to build 17 field storage tanks in Saudi Arabia.

The contract relates to the US$1.23 billion Shoaiba II Combined Cycle Power Plant Project in Shoaiba, some 120 km south of the Red Sea city of Jeddah. It was awarded to Rotary’s joint venture company Petrol Steel Co. Ltd. by South Korea’s Daelim Group, which is the main contractor for the project. The combined-cycle plant, which is owned by the Saudi Electricity Co, will have a power capacity of 1,238 megawatt when completed.

The contract will see Rotary building 17 field storage tanks which will primarily be used to store fuel oil. Work is scheduled to start in June and is expected to be completed around the middle of 2013.

Olam Q2 profit falls 11.6% to $128.5m


Olam International Limited on Tuesday said its net profit for the three months ended Dec 31, 2011 decreased 11.6 per cent to $128.5 million from $145.44 million a year ago.

Turnover for the second quarter rose 11 per cent year-on-year to $4.49 billion from $4.04 billion.

Earnings per share slipped to 5.26 cents from 6.84 cents.

Year-to-date earnings decreased 7.1 per cent to $162.73 million from $175.17 million.

Turnover for the half year ended Dec 31, increased 18.8 per cent to $7.72 billion from $6.5 billion.

Earnings per share for the first six months of the fiscal year 2012, was 6.66 cents, down from 8.34 cents a year ago.

CapitaLand's Q4 net profit down 20%

SINGAPORE: CapitaLand, Southeast Asia's largest property developer by market capitalisation, posted a net profit of S$476.6 million for its fourth quarter, down 20 percent from a restated S$596 million in the previous year.

The developer said the decrease was mainly due to lower development profits and portfolio gains.

For the full year, CapitaLand booked a net profit of S$1.06 billion, down by about 26 per cent from the 2010 financial year.

Despite the uncertainties in the global economy, the developer said it's optimistic about the outlook ahead as faster GDP growth in Asia will continue to present business opportunities.

CapitaLand also remains positive about long term prospects of the private residential markets in Singapore and China, in spite of the cooling measures implemented in both countries last year.

Liew Mun Leong, CapitaLand's CEO said, "Moving forward, we expect our residential business in Singapore to remain healthy, benefitting from the continued revenue recognition of The Interlace, Urban Resort Condominium and The Wharf Residence. In 2012, we plan to progressively release new phases at The Interlace and d'Leedon as well as launch the condominium project in Bishan Central."

In Singapore, CapitaLand sold 844 units of private homes with a total sales value of S$1.35 billion in 2011, up slightly from the 800 units sold in the previous year.

However, the developer expects the sale of residential units to fall in the short-term after the government introduced the Additional Buyers' Stamp Duty in December 2011.

In China, CapitaLand said it plans to release its new launches and phases of existing projects according to the market conditions and subject to regulatory approval. It will also explore opportunities to acquire new sites.

CapitaLand's board has proposed to pay out a first and final dividend of 6 cents per share and a special dividend of 2 cents per share for the financial year 2011.

- CNA/cc

Sunday 12 February 2012

Kep Corp Weekly

Read? 94th trade on Kep Corp since 2001

When can the market allow me to trade up to 100th trade on Kep Corp?

Saturday 11 February 2012

Fishing and Stock Market (4)

Read? Fishing and Stock Market - III

Why gone fishing is a good retreat for your investing skills?


You learn to be patient. You can only wait and wait for the moment of happiness to happen right in front of your eyes and you grab it with both hands.


You learn that you have absolutely no control in the market (sea). You can't see anything under the sea whether there are fishes (opportunities) coming soon or obstacles (risks) lying there waiting to break your lines. You learn to let go your ideas that you are in control and let the market (sea) do what it needs to do.


You can take lower risks by catching ikan kunings and tambans by the quayside or take higher risks by fishing in the deeper water for biggies but they may break your lines.

His Valentine's Roses!

F9: S$50

He is the first guy to place an early bird order and get a special!

Friday 10 February 2012

Me, No multi-baggers (4)

Read? Me, No multi-baggers (3)

Selling and Not selling are tough mental decision to be made

When your stock price is running high you begin to feel the heat of the bull run; but the bear shadow is also near. What will you do? Sell and run? Then how can you have pillow stocks or  multi-baggers?

Right and hold is mentally tough.

Wrong and hold is pretty to do it and most people are capable of doing it well.



Fourth-quarter net profit increases 8% to SGD 731 milion

SINGAPORE, 10 February 2012 – DBS Group Holdings reported net profit of SGD 3.04 billion for 2011, an increase of 15% from the previous year. Earnings crossed the SGD 3 billion mark for the first time as increased business volumes and customer flows propelled total income to a new high of SGD 7.63 billion. DBS’ focused execution of strategic initiatives, prudent risk management and strong balance sheet enabled it to capture opportunities across the region in a challenging environment. Return on equity rose to 11.0% from 10.2% a year ago.

Thursday 9 February 2012


Olam acquires 2nd largest candy and biscuit franchise in Nigeria for US$167m


Olam International Limited on Thursday acquired Nigerian biscuits and candy maker through the acquisition of Titanium Holding Company and its subsidiaries for a price consideration of US$167 million.

'This acquisition presents a unique opportunity for our packaged foods business to scale up and move immediately into a leadership position in two attractive packaged foods categories in the largest consumer market in West Africa,' said M Ramanarayanan Olam's senior vice president and head of packaged foods.

Titanium Holding owns Nigeria's second largest biscuits and candy franchise with a turnover of approximately US$162 million in 2011.

It owns and manages three biscuit and candy factories with modern production lines.

Funded through internal accruals and borrowings, the acquisition is immediately earnings and cash flow accretive to Olam.

The processor of agricultural products and food ingredients expects to deliver 17-18 per cent in EBITDA margin and generate in excess of 29 per cent equity internal rate of return on this investment.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Biosensors Q3 net profit surge on investment gains


Biosensors International Group Ltd on Wednesday posted a net profit for the third quarter ended Dec 31, of US$291.54 million, from gain on remeasurement of joint-venture company, and realisation of translation difference in investment of the JV.

Profit excluding exceptional items was US$22.87 million, a 42 per cent increase year-on-year from US$16.15 million.

Revenues for the quarter nearly doubled to US$84.75 million from US$42.59 million, on the back of a surge in licensing and royalties revenues.

Earnings per share before exceptional items was 1.63 US cents, up from 1.37 US cents a year ago.

Including exceptionals, EPS was 17.78 cents. A year ago, EPS with exceptionals was 1.22 cents.

Year-to-date net profit before exceptional items was US$71.33 million, up 76 per cent year-on-year from US$40.41 million.

Turnover for the nine months rose 82 per cent to US$203.98 million from US$112.1 million.

Year-to-date earnings per share before exceptionals was 5.03 cents, up from 3.33 cents a year ago.

Including exceptional items, EPS for the nine months ended Dec 31, was 23.39 cents. A year ago, EPS with exceptional items was 2.32 cents.

Olam: Sold $2.75, ROC 8.5% and 7.0%

Stuck for too long!

Stuffing feathers for a bigger pillow.

Round 10: ROC 8.5%, 236 days, B $2.52 S $2.75

Round 9: ROC 7.0%, 228 days, B $2.56 S $2.75

Round 8: ROC 20.8%, 65 days, B $2.41 S $2.93
Round 7: ROC 15.8%, 311 days, B $2.48 S $2.89
Round 6: ROC 10.2%, 8 days, B $2.39 S $2.65
Round 5: ROC 6.3%, 3 days, B $2.45 S $2.62 (Bought back higher)
Round 4: ROC 5.9%, 15 days, B $2.26 S $2.41
Round 3: ROC 9.6%, 8 days, B $2.18 S $2.40
Round 2: ROC 7.0%, 8 days, B $2.18 S $2.35 (Bought back higher)
Round 1: ROC 9.8%, 161 days, B $1.37 S $1.52

Tuesday 7 February 2012


Keppel and ConocoPhillips to design first ice-worthy jackup rig for the Arctic Offshore

Joint project will yield breakthroughs in offshore Arctic drilling

Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology Centre (KOMtech), a design and engineering arm of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M), and ConocoPhillips are jointly designing a first-of-its-kind ice-worthy jackup rig to operate in one of the harshest marine frontiers, the Arctic Seas.

This jackup rig will have dual cantilevers to optimise drilling operations within a limited time window. The rig is capable of operating in a self-sustained manner for 14 days and is equipped with a hull that is designed for towing in ice. It is also able to resist the impacts from multi-year ice floes and ridges as well as withstand certain level of ice thickness.This joint design project is expected to be completed by end 2013.

Dr Foo Kok Seng, Centre Director, KOMtech said, "We are glad to partner with ConocoPhillips to jointly design this ice-worthy jackup rig for the Arctic Seas. The features of this jackup rig make it a cost-effective and promising drilling solution for the Arctic Offshore. In leveraging the combined expertise, resources and research findings of Keppel O&M and ConocoPhillips, we believe that this joint project will achieve significant breakthroughs in offshore Arctic drilling."

Keppel O&M has an established track record in designing and building rigs for harsh environments. It has delivered three KFELS N Class rigs for work in the North Sea, and these jackups can operate in harsh weather conditions in water depths ranging from 400-500 feet, which are 40% deeper than traditional units in benign waters.

In 2008, Keppel O&M's wholly-owned subsidiary, Keppel Singmarine broke into the Arctic market, having successfully delivered the first pair of icebreakers built in the tropics of Asia to LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft.

Your First $100K realized profit from the stock market? - (3)

Read? Your First $100K realized profit from the stock market? - (2)

Did you became the Investment Eagle and fly high?

The Story of the Bald Eagle continues after 40 years later ....

40 years later, the old Eagle will re-make itself so it can fly high again for next 30 years. This is incredible!

The bald eagle has the longest life-span of its' species. It can live up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard decision in its' 40's.

Its' long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey which serves as food.

Its' long and sharp beak becomes bent.

Its' old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its' chest and make it difficult to fly.

Then, the eagle is left with only two options: die or go through a painful process of change which lasts 150 days.

The process requires that the eagle fly to a mountain top and sit on its' nest.

There the eagle knocks its' beak against a rock until it plucks it out. After plucking it out, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its' talons.

When its' new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its' old-aged feathers.

And after five months, the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and lives for 30 more years.

Learn from the Bald Eagle. It will re-make itself after its first-half and spreads out its wings and fly high again in the next half of its life.

The moral of story to be continued ... hope to be pretty soon...but again it will depend on market condition. hee hee

Monday 6 February 2012

Noble appoints Yusuf Alireza as CEO


Noble Group Ltd on Monday appointed Yusuf Alireza as its chief executive officer and member of the board, with effect from April 16, 2012.

Mr Alireza takes over from Richard Elman who will step down as acting CEO and continue as chairman.

Prior to his appointment, Mr Alireza was Co-President of Asia (ex Japan) for Goldman Sachs and a member of that firm's global management committee.

Noble also appointed William Randall, its current head of energy coal & carbon complex, as a member of the board with immediate effect. Mr Randall will also assume the title of head of hard commodities, reporting directly to the CEO.

Swiber Holdings secures contracts worth US$216m

SINGAPORE: Service support firm for the oil and gas industry Swiber Holdings said it has secured several contracts worth a total of about US$216 million since the start of the year.

These contracts are for offshore construction projects and vessel chartering services in Southeast Asia and South Asia.

In a statement to the Singapore Exchange, Swiber also said its Middle East joint venture has secured a contract amounting to over US$38 million for vessel chartering services in the Middle East.

The company added that these contracts have kept its healthy order backlog at over US$1.0 billion.

Swiber shares rose nearly 5 per cent to 65 cents with some 8.5 million shares changing hands in morning trade.

- CNA/cc


Singapore, February 6, 2012: Sembcorp Marine’s wholly-owned Brazilian shipyard Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz has secured a contract worth approximately US$792.5 million from Guarapari Drilling BV, Netherlands, a subsidiary of Sete Brasil Participacões S.A. (Sete Brasil), for the design and construction of a drillship based on Jurong Shipyard’s proprietary Jurong Espadon drillship design.

The Jurong Espadon drillship represents the next generation of high-specification drillships with advanced capabilities for operational efficiency and ultra-deepwater operations worldwide. The drillship will be equipped with state-of-the-art drilling facilities, a larger deck area with a 40- meter-wide main deck, efficient deck arrangement and a large moon pool for enhanced drilling operations as well as DP-3 (Dynamic Positioning class 3) capabilities, superior motion features and Azimuth thrusters for improved operability. It is capable of operating at 10,000 ft water depth and drilling to depths of 40,000 ft, with accommodation facilities to house a crew of 180 personnel.

Scheduled for delivery no later than 2Q 2015, the ultra-deepwater drillship will be among a series of drillships to be built in Brazil to cater to the recent oil and gas discoveries in the offshore giant pre-salt fields.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Uncle8888, how do you find multi-bagger stock?

Just For Laugh ...

From Thomas Edison:

The story goes that "Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when trying to create the light bulb". When asked about it,

Edison allegedly said, "I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."

The idea is that -- even if you try and fail, it doesn't mean that you didn't learn something.

From Uncle8888:

Uncle8888: "Well, I have successfully discovered 54 different stocks in SGX that I have bought in the past are not multi-baggers."

Saturday 4 February 2012

Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (31)

Read? Investing Made Simple by Uncle8888 (30)

Read? Why it is easier to become rich from property and not stocks? (3)

Uncle8888 is NOT 股神(God of Stocks)

Uncle8888 is NOT faithful
Uncle8888 loves to keep mistresses!

As of today, he has joys, fun and saddness with a total of 56 different types of mistresses. 30% of mistresses finally ate his money. Many of them have no mercy and took away lots of his money. Two notorious bad women took away every single cent from him and then they disppeared forever and leaving behind two pieces of toilet papers to remind him of the shit that he has done.

Think of the two questions again and find your own answer to them.

  1. Are stocks right for you?
  2. Are you right for stocks?

Why it is easier to become rich from property and not stocks? (3)

Read? Why it is easier to become rich from property and not stocks? (2)

Are stocks right for you?

I don't know about you; but I know that stocks are right for me. Why?

I heard them from my own ears and saw them in my own eyes. How not to believe that stocks are not right for me?

Read? The truths behind the ideas of making money in the stock market.

Now that I become the "Loa Jiao" and let me tell you my experience with stocks:

The total realized profits from 94 rounds of Kep Corp short-term trading and total stock dividends collected from Kep Corp over the past 10 years (2001-2011) are more than enough to pay for my two older children's 4-year university education plus  all their personal accountable living expenses.

Are you right for stocks?

Stocks may be right for you; but are you right for stocks?

This will require honest and serious thinking on your own part to do a self-discovery about yourself. Are you right for stocks? Is your mind and soul able to take the volatility of the stock market? How is your 3M's - Method, Mind and Money helping you?

Friday 3 February 2012

Biosensors: Setting another new all time high record!!!

A new all time high record on higher volume!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Why it is easier to become rich from property and not stocks? (2)

Read? Why it is easier to become rich from property and not stocks?

Act of Partial Divestment in stocks

In properties, you can't do partial divestment but you are comforted by the monthly cash flow from rentals and it helps to keep you in good spirit and wait for the right moment to come. You can wait for real long time for it to come.

But, in stocks, the ease of partial divestment and many right moments seem to come more often than expected and it will induce you to sell to comfort your soul. This very Act of Partial Divestment may be stopping many of us in becoming rich in stocks.

Ask Peter Lim.

How did he become Billioniare? Did he sell his stake in Wilmar when it was 2-3 bagger?

Want to be rich in stocks? Think again. Is this Act sinful in becoming rich in stocks?

Wednesday 1 February 2012

How much is becoming rich in investment?

Just For Thinking ...

How much is becoming rich in investment?

Most of us may not be that lucky to have rich parents so we will have to depend on our earned income and return on investment to build up our net worth.

So how many % of our net worth must come from return on investment then only we consider becoming rich in investment?

Gurus who advertise in newspapers for their courses will tell you it is $Xm to become rich  in investment.

What you think. How many % of net worth?

Singapore citizens in full-time employment and their median monthly income

Among Singapore citizens in full-time employment, the (gross) median monthly income from work rose by 6.3 per cent over the year to $3,070 in June 2011. This came after growth of 5.1 per cent in 2010. After adjusting for inflation, the real income growth was 1 per cent in 2011, following the 2.2 per cent growth in 2010.

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