I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investing has changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.

Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!

It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!

Click to email CW8888 or Email ID : jacobng1@gmail.com

Welcome to Ministry of Wealth!

This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!

"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth." - Dr. Alexander Elder

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle

It is here where I share with you how I did it! FREE Education in stock market wisdom.

Think Investing as Tug of War - Read more? Click and scroll down

Important Notice and Attention: If you are looking for such ideas; here is the wrong blog to visit.

Value Investing
Dividend/Income Investing
Technical Analysis and Charting
Stock Tips

Friday 30 December 2022

Ending Year 2022 As Panda/Koala Retail Investor In Local SGX And Looking Forward to 2023!

Read? 6 Years (2017 to 2022) Into Retirement Income From Local Market - SGX As Panda/Koala Retail Investor

Performance at Year End 2022 - 23 years across market cycles! It is very hard to beat Earn More strategy!

The only consolation to ourselves is that investing for dividend income is lifelong affair while earned income as employee has limited lifespan!

Burnt By S-Chips In GFC 2008/2009! This Time Burnt By HK Tech! What Is The Difference?

Read? Singapore Stock Market Is Crap! Can Panda/Koala Investors Still Survive On Scraps???

Prof Mak notes that 10 years ago, Singapore was home to more than 150 "S-chip" companies, or Chinese companies listed on SGX. This number is down to just 71 today, and could drop even further, he warns.

"Just over the first six months of this year, another six S-chips have disappeared. I am not saying they are all going to collapse, but I think we will continue to see more doing so," he says.

What was once an "S-chip problem" has spread to the rest of the market over the past few years. Big companies like Hyflux and Noble, Singapore-based companies like Best World and Trek 2000, and Eagle Hospitality Trust are some of the names that have collapsed, wiping out investors' money along with them.

Late comers or FOMO are more likely to be punished by Mr Market???

First time stepping out of local market into HK Tech and kena whacked big time and never again! KNS!

The worst performing stock in Uncle8888's portfolio down -49% without a single cent of Panadol to ease heartache! Pain at the Max!

Wednesday 28 December 2022

Timing The Market AND Then Time In The Market Is A Long Journey Towards Your Freehold And Passive Dividend Income For Your Retirement Planning

Read? Time in the Market > Timing the Market??? (4)

It is very long journey with plenty of emotional rides across volatile market cycles; but when we retire with this freehold and passive dividend income! It is SWAN! Sleep Well At Night! LOL!

Sunday 25 December 2022

Those Lessons Learnt And Re-enforced As Retail Investor Through Long-term Investing And Short-term Trading Across Market Cycles In Local Market SGX

Read? Wise Words Series - Part 2

 "We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us." Larry Williams

Rule 1. It's all about survival

No platitudes here, speculating is very dangerous business. It is not about winning or losing, it is about surviving the lows and the highs. If you don't survive, you can't win.

The first requirement of survival is that you must have a premise to speculate upon. Rumors, tips, full moons and feelings are not a premise. A premise suggests there is an underlying truth to what you are taking action upon. A short-term trader's premise may be different from a long-term player's but they both need to have proven logic and tools. Most investors and traders spend more time figuring out which laptop to buy than they do before plunking down tens of thousands of dollars on a snap decision, or one based upon totally fallacious reasoning.

There is some rhyme and reason to how, why and when markets move - not enough - but it is there. The problem is that there are more techniques that don't work, than there are techniques that do. I suggest you spend an immense and inordinate amount of time and effort learning these critical elements before entering the foray of financial frolics.

9. Your fortune will come from your focus - focus on one market or one technique.

A jack of all trades will never become a winning trader. Why? Because a trader must zero in on the markets, paying attention to the details of trading without allowing his emotions to intervene.

A moment of distraction is costly in this business. Lack of attention may mean you don't take the trade you should, or neglect a trade that leads to great cost.

Focus, to me, means not only focusing on the task at hand but also narrowing your scope of trading to either one or two markets or to the specific approach of a trading technique.

Have you ever tried juggling? It's pretty hard to learn to keep three balls in the area at one time. Most people can learn to watch those 'details' after about 3 hours or practice. Add one ball, one more detail to the mess, and few, very few, people can make it as a juggler. It's precisely that difficult to keep your eyes on just one more 'chunk' of data.

Looks at the great athletes - they focus on one sport. Artists work on one primary business, musicians don't sing country western and Opera and become stars. The better your focus, in whatever you do, the greater your success will become.

Uncle8888 re-learnt Rule 9 and testified it!

Read? Lion HST vs CSOP HS Tech (3)

First time stepping out of local market into HK Tech and kena whacked big time and never again! KNS!

The worst performing stock in Uncle8888's portfolio down -49% without a single cent of Panadol to ease heartache! Pain at the Max!

10. When in doubt, or all else fails - go back to Rule One.

So, you have money management under control, have a valid system, approach or premise to act upon - you still need control of yourself.

Saturday 24 December 2022

Yield Hog On Keppel Corp : Special Dividends in FY 22 H2?

By 9M2022, Keppel had announced monetisations of S$4.4 billion worth of assets and is on track to exceed its target of S$5 billion by end-2023.

Last special dividend of S$0.05 in FY 2018!

Next one in FY 2022 after 4 yrs?

Just return 5% or 10% of $4B i.e. $200M or $400M to  shareholders is $0.112 or $0.224 per share in special dividend. :-)

Thursday 22 December 2022

Are HDB Flats Affordable In 1987 And In 2022?

Read? Ho Ching: Buying an HDB flat akin to paying same rent without inflation in advance for decades

Read? Are HDB Flats Affordable? (Dec 2022)

Uncle8888 got his Diploma in 1982 through 5-yrs part-time course and with his Diploma he was promoted from Technician to Technical Officer.

When Uncle8888 bought his 4 RM HDB flat in 1987; his monthly salary is $775.

Are HDB flats affordable in 1987 (5 yrs after fresh graduate and annual increment at $25) and in 2022 for fresh Diploma?

One data point contribution from Uncle8888 is .... 

Not that scary leh!

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Kep Corp downs to $5???


Her DBS call at $6 really entertaining! But see the real stories on ground who were waiting for $6 during GFC!

How many have regretted not accumulating when DBS went down below $7 or $8?


Keppel Offshore & Marine to pay S$88 million in resolution with Brazilian authorities for corruption case

With the earlier agreement in 2017 and this additional deal, Keppel said it does not expect further grounds for liability in Brazil for this case.

Keppel $5 based on the above news???


Some Gurus can be really entertaining with their calls! More shorting from her followers! LOL!

$5 is possible after XE of 19.1 SML distribution!

Read? Thinking Like A ROC Hog For Kep Corp Round 104 and 105

Sunday 18 December 2022

Ho Ching: Buying an HDB flat akin to paying same rent without inflation in advance for decades

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Uncle8888 blogged about it! :-)

Let assume average Uncle8888's HDB 4 room rental is about $1K per month from 1987 to 2020 and over 34 years of rental expenses is 34 X 12 x $1K = $408K

He has already saved $408K - $55K = $353K!

Assuming $1K per month for the next 65 years till end of 99-year lease.

Another 65 years to go till end of 99-year. Total rental expenses is $408K + $780K = $1.2M

He will be saving more than $1M in rental expenses over 99 years!!!

Why kpkb on about worthless 4 RM HDB at the end of 99-year lease?

Scratching head!

Read? Ho Ching: Buying an HDB flat akin to paying same rent without inflation in advance for decades

Read? Am I worry about worthless 4 RM HDB at the end of 99-year lease? (3)

Friday 16 December 2022

6 Years (2017 to 2022) Into Retirement Income From Local Market - SGX As Panda/Koala Retail Investor

Next year, recession?

Dividends kena cut again?

Monday 5 December 2022

Panda's Investment Portfolio Hits A New All Time High Record With 3-Bagger Portfolio In An Uninspiring And Boring SG Stock Market! (20)

Monday, 12 September 2022

Read? Panda's Investment Portfolio Hits A New All Time High Record With 3-Bagger Portfolio In An Uninspiring And Boring SG Stock Market! (19)

Wah! Santa Rally in STI?

A new ATH from 188%, 189%, 191%, 193%, 196%, 198% ,199% , 201% , 202% , 204% , 207%, 208%, 211% , 212% , 214% , 215% and 216%!

Panda is back to dancing and smiling again in local SGX! Shiok!

Sunday 4 December 2022

SML - Unexpected Touchstone From Temasek Right Issue! (2)

Read? SML - Unexpected Touchstone From Temasek Right Issue!

From Sianz to Smile as of now!

Read? You Are Stupid To Lose Money In Your O & G Investment! Blame Yourself For Stupidity!

The Past. The Present and The Future!

When investing over decades in the stock market; our Present is the outcome of our Past. The Present is NOT our Future. We have to keep learning, revising and refining our investing strategies.

Saturday 3 December 2022

FI or FIRE? What Next? What Other FIRE Bloggers May Have Not Mentioned These (2)

Read?   Why Pursue Financial Freedom? (6) - Refresh!

Read?  FI or FIRE? What Next? What Other FIRE Bloggers May Have Not Mentioned These

Read? You think it is so easy to retire early???

FIRE is more than just financial readiness or financial independence! We will need solid reasons or meaningful objectives to retire early. Uncle8888's block has two early retirees but they didn't called themselves Stay-at-home-dad. Women who early retired are more likely to label themselves as housewives or stay-at-home-mum. See the gender inequality or difference. LOL!

Uncle8888 just came across another case of FIRE and then back to office. It shows that early retirement is NOT that easy. It is always more than just financial means to FIRE!

Case 6 is an interesting one as he is Trainer for Early Retirement Masterclass!

Never mind! We can always FIRE and then De-FIRE after that! LOL!

Thursday 1 December 2022

Update For Kep Corp Round 95

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Read Kep Corp : Bought @ $9.64 for Round 95

Finally after 8 years of sucking bitter Panadols to ease heartache; Round 95 has breakeven!

Trading and investing is all about market timing on our entries and exits. Got that timing wrong! Suck Panadols!

Buy back is also NOT easy!

If you have been into investing forums; you will often read that someone will shout take profits and buy back later! 

Buy back later can also get us into deep shit and suck Panadols!

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