Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
ReplyDeleteOK, I think I better stop playing around.
Your words may have struck a chord with mature readers. We can empathise with the words you have just said...
The majority of us started this financial journey to escape. Only a minority are here to achieve...
I of all persons know this "I'll show them" hole-in-the heart feeling.
Was pleasantly surprised the butterfly had it too.
The difference I guess is we both had let go of the stones in our hand; and now our hands are out of the jar...
ReplyDeleteSo what is left on the hands?
Blursotong King,
DeleteStardusts ;)
But first my hands must be free so I can spread them wide apart with palms facing up the sky. See my profile pic.
Must make it easier for Lady Luck to find me mah!
Blursotong King,
DeleteAh! Zen combat. Say so lah!
My turn.
Then why are you in this arena?
Are you doing to achieve or to escape?
ReplyDeleteNone. What is there to achieve and escape?
Does it matter?
Can't look too far nowadays. Today happy can Liao.
Delete同道中人 :)