How Cash Management Portfolios Work: What You Need to Know
Some cash management portfolios promise higher yields, but at what cost?
Cash management is a key component of any sound financial strategy.
Traditional ...
6 hours ago
ReplyDeleteMaybe its my poor england...
But I thought its the other way round?
War Chest > 50% = Aggressive DEFENDER?
Do we attack Bear with War Chest or defend against Bear with defensive stocks?
ReplyDeleteWhy buy so-called defensive stocks? Defend against bull or bear?
England tutor will appear to correct us. LOL!
DeleteNever thank me...
You definitely would not be asked to write manuals or written instructions.
I've done my part to "clarify" for your readers ;)
Want to bet how many readers will associate Total Investment Costs with Defensive Stocks?
Draw snake add legs.
Could have just written Defensive Stocks in the first place...
Maybe Uncle8888 referring to investing mindset, depending how much invested we are in risk assets ...
ReplyDeleteIf >90% of portfolio already in stocks, commodities etc, then better to have defensive mindset ... to protect against catastrophic losses.
If <50% of portfolio in risk assets, then can have more aggressive mindset ... to be able to identify opportunities in the markets.
DeleteYou maybe... I maybe...
CW's "Total Investment Costs" phrase is as clear as mud.
But after his clarification he meant "Defensive Stocks", then its crystal ;)
At first reading, I was thinking... Since when holding "Cash" is considered "aggressive"???
For someone who calculates his portfolio returns in 2 decimal places, his england lacks precision.
I'm the opposite ;)
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ReplyDeleteMy sentiments exactly.
I've found its a lot "easier", psychologically speaking, to add to winning trading positions than to add to losing trading positions.
I wonder how many with "plans" to add X% when STI goes to 2800, Y% at 2500, and z% at 2200 will really do when that time comes...
They must be a lot disciplined and mentally stronger than you and me ;)
Average up; you get lesser units. Huat less if right
ReplyDeleteAverage down; you get more units. Huat more if right