Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
ReplyDeleteAfter 20 years, those who choose "craftsmanship" path will be their own shepherd. Maybe even land owner. But the road is definitely NOT EASY! Some will fail miserably too...
Its not the path for those who believe in anyone and everyone! Just ask those CPIS investors who lost money using CPF to invest :(
Those who choose the "sugar daddy will take care of me" route, well, after 20 years, they will be still asking, "What stocks to buy huh?" or "At this price can buy?" Its 1st year experience times 20. No personal growth when it comes to financial acumen :(
But then, its hard to "lose" money since its "savings" - not "investing" ;)
Except maybe must pray hard there's no regime change, moving of goal posts, and/or run away inflation...
Fully agreed. It is "craftsmanship" path and will years across market cycles to learn it.
DeleteSomething like this quote: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
Ah Gong enforces 35% rule for asset allocation for riskier asset; it is really part of money and risk management. After mortgage loan if using CPF OA; for many of us, CPFIS is not a large war chest.