In investing, it may be more important to keep track and measure every transaction we have made in the stock market and be able to understand what is going on than to do a lot of complex analysis.
More Investing. Less Analyzing - CW8888
1. When did we buy?
2. When did we sell?
3. Why we make money?
4. Why we lose money:
5. How much did we win?
6. How much did we lose?
We may want to try our understanding to the next few transactions and then ask these same set of questions again.
How did you actually measure and track your performance to understand?
EUR/USD backslides on Thursday, tests new multi-month low
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1 hour ago
What to buy/sell not in your list?
ReplyDeleteNowadays; I not keen in building watch-list.
ReplyDeleteI see old age has not dulled your intellect ;)
Impressive. Getting more and more "grey" now...
Less precision; more clarity?
When we moved away from Method and Money Management, and more towards the Mind part, things start to get as clear as mud...