Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
ReplyDeleteThe primary school math is that:
1) 10% yield on $100K portfolio can't retire. Can go holiday to Europe though ;)
2) 5% yield on $2 milion portfolio can retire. That's if you can survive on $100K a year.
How to get that $2 million in the first place? Eh...
That's why we never heard about anyone getting rich from savings... To save $100K a year, you first need to EARN...
I rather have a big carrot underground with small bush, than a tiny carrot underground with BIG bush ;)
Hi bro cw
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good lesson learnt to me. As a newbie, i tend to focus more on the yield which i have less concern about size of the carrot.
Hope others newbies like me in investing have chance to read ur blog & learn about ur carrot stories :)
Simple story but need one hour of talking or illustration. May be not so simple to understand?
DeleteSometimes not really is simple. Maybe to u is a simple story. But to me is a complicated story... bor bian me blur blur like aotong mah... hehehe
DeleteIt depends who to you talk to.
ReplyDeleteFor a young adult still in wealth accumulating mode, priority is to earn more, save more and invest mainly for capital gain.
For retiree (like me), on deaccumulating mode, priority is to protect wealth and have regular passive income.
Recently I transfer some money from CPFOA to RA to meet FRS. That will ensure I have regular perpetual income with bequest if god call me early. :)