Read? Following someone investing idea? (2) - Refresh!
In cash investing for passive income : Earn more Save more Gorillas can show off their 6 digits dividend income to impress others! Earn less Save more Monkeys can't follow "I Can. You Can!" that is the truth! It is very difficult for Earn less Save more Monkeys to hit 6 digits passive income to show off unless one day some Earn less Save more Monkeys themselves evolve into young Gorilla or they are Super Investors who can compound their investment portfolio without year-on-year large capital injection into their investment portfolio!
In 1M65 Movement : Earn more Save more Gorillas can show off their 5 digits Interests from CPF to impress others on 1 Jan every years! Can Earn less Save Monkeys also follow "I Can. You Can"? Maybe possible!
In CPFIS investing : Earn less Save more Monkeys may have their chance to show off like Earn more Save more Gorilla in 1M65 Movement to impress others. How come? Why it is possible?
In CPF, there is a cap to mandatory CPF contributions from our jobs and also cap on any voluntary CPF Top Up so that Earn More Save more Gorillas cannot have extremely outsize CPFIS account even they are earning millions in salary and spare millions to top up CPF. Government doesn't allow Billionaire CPF members! LOL!
CPFIS is just 35% of CPFOA and that also includes CPFIS investment holding costs so our remaining CPFIS war chest is also limited after investing into the stock market.
E.g. even we have $1M in CPFOA; we can only have 350K in CPFIS account to invest. How to generate 6 digits passive income in CPFIS with $350K capital? Near mission possible?
In CPFIS investing : Earn less Save more Monkeys may have their chance to show off their 5 digits Interests from CPF on 1 Jan every years like Earn more Save more Gorillas in 1M65 Movement without having to top up a single cent to their CPF accounts.
Uncle8888 fully agreed with SundayTimes : Use Cash, not CPF if you want to invest and let your CPFIS be War Chest of Last Resort! Be happy with 2.5% compounding interests and WAIT for the next Bear to hoot!
Read? Your CPF Investment Account : Uncle8888's foolish advice again!!! (5)
Read? One Uncommon Way To Top Up CPF OA Through CPFIS
Read? How I Accumulate $1M In CPF OA! (Update)