Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
4 hours ago
Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteSomebody is getting nervous about sounding more and more like grasshoppers ;)
Eh! Make it more challenging leh!
Don't shoot your own foot; no fun for me :(
When you ask young children what they want to be when they grow up, how do they answer?
They let their imaginations and dreams run wild - the language of entrepreneurs ;)
If goal setting skills were instinctive in humans, why do we need to "teach" them in schools? LOL!
Your readers can tell which is more likely on how you arrived here - your goal settings, or your competencies in what you wrote during a momentary lapse of conscious thinking:
"Right ones: Still holding
Wrong ones: Waiting to sell
Cash: Waiting to buy.
That about all!
Nothing fanciful. Right?"
You are so humble CW!
Compliment you, but you decline.
Don't want to be the nail that sticks out ;)