Just For Thinking ....
Read? Retire by 35 by investing for passive income??? Fact or Fiction?
Don't say Uncle8888 so bad. Here to poke Big Dream!
ME & MY MONEY, the sundaytimes June 30, 2013,
This young investor who is at 25 and hopes to have passive income of $10,000 and retire by 45.
This young chap is more realistic than last Sunday Young Investor.
This is how YOUNG thinks ...
Then you read on ...
small change, invest page 33,
This is what Lao Jiao spending 27 years around the financial markets and seen many of his friends attain financial independence thinks and advise ...
"To be financially independent is to be able to maintain your desired standard of living, without ever facing the risk of running out of money."
"Trusting the vagaries of the stock market to try to achieve that goal is really too much like a roll of dice."
Now, let Uncle8888 shares with you one of Uncle8888's Wealth Formula ....
Investment Dream or Truth? = Expectation on Portfolio's Return minus Reality
Are you having a dream that is so big?
High expectation on future portfolio's return and low reality in life.
But, the reality in life:
No 1: Inflation will really bite us hard!
The same passive income at 20 years ago cannot buy the same bowl of beef noodle at Kovan now!
When Uncle8888 first ate his beef noodle at Kovan, it was $2.50 and this morning he paid $4.50
No 2: There will be future Black Swans in our investing horizon. Black Swans may cause minor or major reset in our portfolio's return.
No 3: How to re-invest for growth when we keep eating away our passive income during retirement?
So what should be the right formula?
Investment Truth = Low Expectation on Portfolio's Return minus High Reality???

Reality of inflation rate on passive income!

After 40 years, you will need $380K passive income and not $120K!!!