Should I Be A Trader?
Take this test
My test result is as follows:
CreateWealth8888's comments: Amazing accurate!
You tend to be decisive and to the point. You can spot logical inefficiencies in the market easily and take advantage of them, especially if you are pointed in the right direction. You enjoy long-term planning and goal setting and seem to enjoy learning, expanding your knowledge and staying well-informed.
One of Your Trading Strengths - You could probably generate a trading business plan and trading systems quite easily and naturally.
Not really using technical indicators? Why?
I am a Simple Simon and have a simple Lizard Brain and cannot grasp complex relationships among indicators so I focus mainly on Price and Volume, Support & Resistance, and Trend lines.
Who Moves My Market?
One of Your Trading Challenges - You may not honor your stops because you want to be right about your trades.
CreateWealth8888: I don't have stop loss.
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