Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
Likely a 0.5% cut to Fed rate on 18 March ... mortgagors will be happy! Donald Trump will be smiling but still tweeting why never cut by 1% :)
ReplyDeleteThe 40-year bond boom continues ... no wonder millennials are stretching their mortgages ALAP (as long as possible), unlike us boomers & gen X! :P
Portfolio manager who sold b4 rout now says he's buying
“The hardest thing to do is sell things that look great,” Slimmon said by phone. “We have a process in place that recognized that stocks were really extended as they were. That will be an area that we will go back and look. As the market drops, you have to take a little more risk.”