How do I know that I am not high income earner? simple leh!
I have read this? Are you one of high income earners in 2009 in Singapore?
I confirmed it with other indicators:
Amount of Growth Dividend 2011 received:
I have received $600+$100 (NS) = $700 for growth dividend 2011 so I am in the lower range of Singapore citizens that require more financial help from the Government.
Child Tax Rebate
I didn't even use up my child tax rebate in 14 years but when I heard that someone used up their child tax rebate in 3 years. I know that this is a huge gap in personal income tax payable. So I confirmed that I am not a high income earner.
The case for having no Integrated Shield Plan
Ok, I need to close the loop for the last article for my mum’s
hospitalization. Thank you for all the well wishes and very important folks
have read th...
23 hours ago
My #2 is 4 this yr .My parenthood relief is totally untouched ! Haha... Me also low income group