Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
Gamble on Temasek not to sabo Kep retail investors
DeleteI'll never expect a veteran like you would "invest" based on such a thesis???
Big daddy will not let retail investors down? You think Temasek is like Japan or US central banks?
But then when I re-read and saw the word "gamble", we are buddies on the same boat again :)
You buy-the-dipper you!
GE next yr. Temasek CEO doing good deed?
And just like that, I'm no longer buddies on the same boat with you ;)
I'm a speculator who lives and die by my own sword. I take responsibility for my actions.
Can't stand the heat? Stay out of the kitchen.
Unlike other countries that screw the savers and pander to big speculators, I thought big daddy has been "exceptional" in that they protect the common man in the street (CPF interest rates not zero bound); while they are not adverse to "cutting-loss" on assets that are no longer strategic like NOL and Charterd Semicon?
I think their energy and focus should be on securing employment and minimising retrenchments so as to maintain a stable economy as a whole. (Strong economy = strong defence)
If we are not strong and stable economically, there's no reason why we should remain as an independent country.
I remember reading somewhere 60% of keppel shareholders are retail investors. Screw them up. See how they react at the poll. Lol!
DeleteYou think too much.
The number of Keppel sharesholders can't be more than the working population in Singapore ;)
Even if there's a bailout, take a number and stand in line.
I would think long suffering buy-and-forget retail investors of SPH would be shouting louder than you...
SPH's current share price is lower than the lows in 2008!
P.S. I think we should stop joking around. Wait some bei kambing readers can't take a joke and really think big daddy should bail us out whenever we make a loss!
Anyone who thinks like that so should stay out of investing and do voluntary CPF top-ups instead. Cough, cough.
LOL. Never. Just look at Hyflux Perf shares. 34K retail investors angry! Why Temasek didn't turn up as Spiderman or Batman?
DeleteTaking 51% control to restructure and restore shareholder value back to Temasek. Mai greedy? 49% fortune share with minority.