Read? Uncle, Why your Chart so dumb leh? (3) - I will know it when I see it
You may heard all those debates and arguments on Fundamental Analysis (FA) vs Technical Analysis; but still unable to decide which is superior. I am going to introduce you a new concept called as Pornographic Analysis (PA) to make you more blur.
How do you describe pornography?
It is quite difficult to describe and explain it in words; but when you see it you know it. Similarly, in Pornographic Analysis, it is that simple. No lengthy words are required. When you see it you know it and once you have mastered it well it can lead to good SEX. You will find great pleasure in doing it.
In pornography, Blue is to indicate obscene. We have blue films, blue movies, blue VCD and now DVD. All are obscene!
In Pornographic Analysis, we are focus on having good SEX (Stock Entry eXit) to get great pleasure from doing it well.
We will pick Mates like Blue chips and do it. Why???
Blue chips are obscene. Their market cap are obscene. Their corporate earning are obscene. Their CEOs' income of few millions dollar are even more obscene as compared to the median income in Singapore of less than $30K per year.
To have good SEX with less chance of consequences we will have to determine the safe Period and enter it at the right time with our best position to achieve the maximum pleasure when we get it right. But, somehow some people after entering will become very nervous and PREMATURELY pull it out. They then regret when they see other people still happily holding it well for more pleasure. They lose the fun too early.
I heard Uncle8888 is old but solid strong; and still holding it well. He has been seeking more pleasure in holding it and twice a year he will have climax - smaller one in Aug and bigger one in May.
The greatest pleasure comes from holding it for a long, long time and don't prematurely pull it out. It is really sickening when you find your buddies are holding them well climax after climax. Remember, premature is never fun!
Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
ReplyDeleteI giving you my standing ovation!
Can mix sex, social-politics, and investing together in one post!!!
Ok! When I return I shall visit Geyland and Orchard Towers for my investing lessons! LOL!