I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investing has changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.

Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!

It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!

Click to email CW8888 or Email ID : jacobng1@gmail.com

Welcome to Ministry of Wealth!

This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!

"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth." - Dr. Alexander Elder

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle

It is here where I share with you how I did it! FREE Education in stock market wisdom.

Think Investing as Tug of War - Read more? Click and scroll down

Important Notice and Attention: If you are looking for such ideas; here is the wrong blog to visit.

Value Investing
Dividend/Income Investing
Technical Analysis and Charting
Stock Tips

Friday, 31 December 2021

Investment Performance Across 22 Yrs In Boring, Uninspiring Super Terrible Index

Old dog can't learn new tricks in the market to go to Moon!

SGX is a Old Age Home for old folks in Singapore to survive on minimum income from the market and supplemented by CPF and CPF Life!

After 22 years across market cycles of Bulls and Bears (WTC Sep 11, SARS, GFC and COVID-19) and 5 years without a single cent for re-investing; the performance is .... sigh!

The only self-consolation is that 2022 will be the year that Uncle8888 will cross the 50% mark to Land of Investing Nirvana!


Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Blueprint For Panda/Koala Retail Investors To Generate Trading Income, Dividend Income, Passive Income, Passive & Lazy Income, and Freehold and Lazy Income For Life!

 After 22 years across market cycles of Bulls and Bear as Panda/Koala retail investor in boring & uninspiring SGX; Uncle8888 has one picture to show how he managed to generate trading income, dividend income (can also be Panadols to ease heartache), passive income, passive & lazy income and finally reaching Investing Nirvana for freehold & lazy income for life!

Long-term investing and short-term trading through the way of Sardines, Touchstones, Multi-baggers, Salted Fish and RIP for Dead Fish! He has them ALL!

Tuesday, 28 December 2021

That 0.1% Xmas Wish Has Been Granted Late By Santa In Super Terrible Index

Read? Don't Laugh At Precision Two Decimal Points Investment Returns! (2)

Read? DBS : Round 27 : Sold @ $32.68

Ho Ho! That 0.1% hit to close for 2021!

Go ahead and laugh at one decimal place. Another hope for 10.0% in 2022!

DBS : Round 27 : Sold @ $32.68

Read? DBS : Bought @ $32.28 For Round 27

A new personal ATH  $32.68!

Round 27 : ROC +0.9%, 49 days, B $32.68 S $32.28

Round 26 : ROC +2.6%, 11 days, B $31.59 S $32.51

Round 25-1 : ROC +6.9%, 38 days, B $29.78 S $31.94

Portfolio Management : Not Pulling Out Any Weeds in the Garden Of Flowers And Weeds Yet!

The last time Uncle8888 was busy pulling out ugly weeds from his Garden of Flowers and Weeds was in late Nov 2008, GFC!

More than 10 years of leaving weeds alone in his garden as these ugly weeds haven't overgrown his flowers to make him eyes sore; and also his garden still has enough space to plant new seeds!

Get the Moral of the Story in portfolio management?

All farmers will need to get rid of weeds or those lazy and silly ones don't?

Monday, 27 December 2021

Life can Adapt And Goes On - Life Lessons From COVID-19

No overseas travelling! 

No hopping to JB on free transport anytime on weekdays to Grab stuffs. 

No RM2 shopping!

No eating out at restaurants to celebrate birthdays and festive seasons!

More home cooked meals for two and hot pot dinner is the easiest to prepare for family dinners! LOL!

Medical costs can ONLY go UP since our body after Point X can go DOWN and down!

Also signed up for Care shield Life! 

Two consecutive years of minimum household expenses!

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Dividend Income Investing Is Like .....

Our account size really matters!

Same like planting home vegetables for green. 

Big garden and big pots. Small garden and fewer pots. Mini-pots and instant noodles? 

Nano dividend harvesting can only add some green to instant noodle for lunch for two! :-)

Saturday, 25 December 2021

No Stop-loss But Absolutely Cut-loss Up To 10% of Capital Base Automatically And Passively With Bitter Panadols To Ease Heartache!

Read? https://www.rainbowonfi.com/2021/12/year-end-reflections-2021.html#comments

I guess you have your "crash got sound" experience on the No.1 reason why most traders lost money - weak money/risk management....

Never let a mistake go to waste. That's how we veterans survived.

Now you may understand why I use Stop-Loss orders despite 70-80% of the time, if I had held on to these losing trades, eventually they will make money one day...

Its to prevent those 20-30% of the time if I didn't get out, they would have wiped out my trading account!!!

But that's my experience. You have to work out your own money/risk management strategies to survive losing trades/investments. And rest assured, we'll have them!

There are lots of other hedging methods if one don't like to use Stop-loss orders - for eg, Peter Lynch don't use Stop-loss orders. He got his 10 baggers to dilute out the losses ;)

Read? Relating to stop-loss!

Risk and Money Management And Absolute Positions Sizing Relative To Capital Base for consistency

Over 22 yrs as Panda retail investor and trader in boring and unaspiring local market!

No stop-loss and yet never blow out his account despites many losses and also 4 Zero-baggers (100% invested capital wipe out)!

We need to find out from ourselves the form of risk and Money management strategy and method that fixed into our money and investing Mind!

3 M's in investing : Method, Money Management and Mind


Friday, 24 December 2021



Thursday, 23 December 2021

Investment Portfolio In Super Terrible Index And Also Without The Power Of Compounding Wonder - How Bad?

Can Panda Retiree continue to survive in Super Terrible Index without the power of re-investing for compounding effect?

Let see what happen in 2022!

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

The Worst Scenario In Investing Is "When Genius Failed!"

Uncle8888 has been there before thinking that he was that Little Genius in the market with a profitable formula, method or strategy and then "When Genius Failed"; it became his worst scenario and never ever again thinking he will be that Little Genius in the market. 

We all are in the same Market making the most money from each other so Genius will come and take money from the rest of us!

Read? My Thought On Leveraging To Power Up Trading Income From SGX

Tuesday, 21 December 2021



Monday, 20 December 2021

Hunting For Multi-baggers In Local Market

Probably; the difference in the nature of multi-baggers hold by Panda/Koala retail investors in boring Super Terrible Index is their freehold multi-baggers generating lifelong passive income without fear of losing their money ever.

Free Dividend Fallacy? No lah! It Is Freehold Dividends For Life!!!

Active management and a willingness to take risks with smaller stocks easily trump the Straits Times Index's dull returns

Read? Hunting for multi-baggers in the local market

AMONG the first few books I ever read on investing were Peter Lynch's One Up On Wall Street and Beating The Street - which got me excited about "multi-bagger" stocks.

Lynch coined the term to refer to stocks that appreciate by a multiple of their initial value. So, a stock that trebles in value is a 3-bagger, and a stock that quadruples is a 4-bagger.

Then, there were the vaunted 10-bagger stocks. During the 13 years Lynch ran the Fidelity Magellan Fund - from 1977 to 1990 - he is said to have invested in several stocks that delivered 10-fold gains.

The result: Lynch achieved a blistering annual return of 29.2 per cent and his fund saw an avalanche of inflows. The day he resigned, the fund held US$14 billion in assets, up from just US$18 million when he started.

As a result of the influence of Lynch's books, I used to only invest in stocks that I could imagine becoming multi-baggers over time.

It helped that I began investing during the heady days of the early 1990s. It also helped that I had a pretty wild imagination, and an appetite for even obscure micro-cap stocks.

While I am much less of a risk taker now, I still think that investors ought to own stocks for the growth they offer rather than their dividend yields.

In the Singapore market, however, that poses something of a challenge.

This column has previously highlighted that the local market has performed relatively poorly over the past decade, and the bulk of the Straits Times Index (STI)'s total return has come from dividends rather than stock price appreciation.

Moreover, market watchers here often lament the absence of big tech-oriented stocks that are normally associated with multi-bagger returns.

Is it even possible to find multi-bagger stocks on the local bourse? Could a Peter Lynch wannabe thrive in the Singapore market?

Local multi-baggers

During the 10 years to Dec 10, there were 137 Singapore-listed stocks that delivered a total return of at least 100 per cent (on a dividend reinvested basis) - akin to 2-bagger stocks taking into account their dividends.

While these 137 names included some of the largest blue chip companies in the market - notably DBS (which returned 314 per cent), OCBC (116 per cent) and UOB (161 per cent) - they are clearly skewed towards smaller companies.

The average market capitalisation of these 137 stocks is just over S$2.6 billion. By comparison, the 30 component stocks of the STI have an average market value of more than S$17.1 billion.

Among the better performers, the average market value is even smaller.

For instance, there were 22 stocks that delivered a total return of 500 per cent or more during the 10 years to Dec 10 - including Ban Leong Technologies (583 per cent), Spindex Industries (598 per cent), The Hour Glass (707 per cent) and Riverstone Holdings (734 per cent) - with an average market capitalisation of just over S$463 million.

Among the very best performers, however, the average market capitalisation is somewhat higher.

For instance, the 7 stocks with total returns topping 1,000 per cent during the 10-year period - AEM Holdings (7,231 per cent), Azeus Systems Holdings (2,676 per cent), UMS Holdings (1,658 per cent), Cortina Holdings (1,435 per cent), Micro-Mechanics Holdings (1,306 per cent), GSH Corp (1,120 per cent) and Frencken Group (1,005 per cent) - had an average market capitalisation of nearly S$753 million.

Local stocks with multi-bagger returns over shorter periods of time had a similar market capitalisation profile.

For instance, there were 70 stocks that achieved a total return of 100 per cent or more during the 5-year period to Dec 10, with an average market capitalisation of just under S$2 billion.

Only 18 of those 70 stocks returned 300 per cent or more during the 5-year period - including Rex International (334 per cent), Samudera Shipping Line (334 per cent) and Medtecs International (620 per cent) - with an average market capitalisation of just over S$523 million.

There were 4 stocks with returns topping 1,000 per cent - AEM Holdings (4,031 per cent), Azeus Systems Holdings (2,906 per cent), NutryFarm International (1,120 per cent) and iFast Corp (1,011 per cent) - with an average market capitalisation of nearly S$1.05 billion.

Channelling Peter Lynch

Peter Lynch once explained the virtue of hunting for multi-bagger stocks this way: If you invest an equal amount in five stocks, and one of those stocks turns out to be a 10-bagger while others go nowhere, you would still have nearly tripled your money.

To find these multi-baggers, Lynch would cast his net wide. His fund held as many as 1,400 stocks at any one time, and he has been described as "non-discriminatory" when recommending stocks.

What is the secret to successful stock picking? Lynch puts it down to a combination of art, science and legwork - that is, a knack of imagining how a business might develop and grow, an ability to decipher financial statements, and the stamina to research and keep track of numerous companies.

He also adjusted his investing strategies to suit different types of stocks.

For instance, he maintained significant exposure over the long term to stocks he deemed to have unshakeable fundamentals - among them the Federal National Mortgage Association, better known as Fannie Mae.

Yet, he was quite prepared to buy beaten down cyclicals and deftly trade out of them when he saw no further upside. "Cyclicals are like blackjack," he said, in Beating The Street. "Stay in the game too long and it's bound to take all your profit."

So, how would Peter Lynch be positioned in the Singapore market now?

This is pure conjecture of course: But I imagine he would have found his way into consistent long-term outperformers, large and small - including DBS, Venture Corp (415 per cent total return over 10 years), and Micro-Mechanics.

I would not be surprised if he had bought iFast early last year, and reaped a 10-bagger gain as the stock soared on surging earnings.

Lynch would probably also be holding on to shares of the local watch retailers - Cortina and The Hour Glass - riding their improving profitability while keeping an eye on their valuations.

Looking ahead, he would probably be trying to handicap the potential post-pandemic upside for Thai Beverage (268 per cent return over last 10 years); and figuring out how much Straits Trading (100 per cent return over last 5 years) would be worth once the sale of its stake in ARA Asset Management to ESR Cayman is completed.

Given his penchant for hunting for winners even in dull sectors, Lynch might also be closely watching homegrown companies like Challenger Technologies (145 per cent return over last 10 years) and Tai Sin Electric (335 per cent return over last 10 years) as they try to reposition themselves for the future.

At the dawn of 2022, a year I fear will be marked by rising inflation and interest rates, one of my resolutions is to refocus on the magnificent long-term growth that stocks offer and devote more time to the art, science and legwork of identifying multi-baggers in the local market.

The writer owns shares in Straits Trading, Venture Corp and The Hour Glass.

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Super Terrible Index Is Still Not So Bad For Yield Hog Retail Investors

Uncle8888 has one free APPL from Moomoo after signing up on referral from his friend to get cash incentive, deposited fund and then withdrew it out!

Dividends for 2021 is $0.45 or 0.3% yield! 

Saturday, 18 December 2021


 No Santa Rally next week or buying for passive income next year???

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Mr Market Can Value That Whole Chicken Is Worth LESS Than Its Drumsticks And Wings!

Can we really believe we can do FA???

For donkey years; Uncle8888 has been taking bitter Panadols; but after restructuring

Read? CAPITALANDINVEST after CPL Restructuring

CLI (Drumsticks) + 0.155 CICT (Wings) + $0.95 > Ex CPL

Looking forward to see what happen after completion of restructuring of Kep Corp and Olam!

Saturday, 11 December 2021

More Than Luck And Skills; Hindsight Wisdom And Regrets Too!

 Read? The Luck Factor in Investing???

Across market cycles of Bulls and Bears, and plenty of Pull backs and Corrections: do we add, hold, take profits or cut losses?


Our hindsight wisdom or regrets will guide our actions?

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Why Into Counting Daily 10,000 Steps? Precision? Silly? or What??? (2)

Read? Why Into Counting Daily 10,000 Steps? Precision? Silly? or What???

Counting 10,000 steps and then pinching pennies along the walking path!

Adding up pennies to dollars!

Closing 2021 with 50+10+10+5+5+5+25+50+5 = $165 or $0.45 per day

Need to walk two days for a cup of kopi-o kosong! 

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Our Investment Losses Are Far More Scary Than Inflation!

Read? Most Effective Hedge Against Inflation

Investing to fight year-on-year inflation, what is most effective hedge against inflation?

See for yourself!

Did you see how to hedge against inflation as investors?

1M in SRS???

Hmm ... hor!

We contribute SRS for tax relief or tax avoidance; but we became very successfully in building up our wealth in SRS to $1M for withdrawal over 10 yrs and then willing to pay higher tax during our retirement!

Did Uncle8888 miss out something here? Cheam!!!

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Don't Laugh At Precision Two Decimal Points Investment Returns! (2)

Read? Don't Laugh At Precision Two Decimal Points Investment Returns!

With only a few weeks to year end 2021; at 0.1% to 10.0% ROC (Realized Cash Return on Total Capital) also NOT easy to achieve!

Need Santa Claus to come to Town for Santa Rally in SGX!

Friday, 3 December 2021

Don't Laugh At Precision Two Decimal Points Investment Returns!

Hmm .. you too laugh at precision two decimal points investment return?

Bank loan interests for Dec 21 still maintained at 1.04929%. Five decimal points!

Yeap. When banks collect those five decimal points loan interests from massive customers. It will add up to big round down number!

Same same for precision two decimal points investment returns! Over two to three decades of two decimal points. It can also add to mid or high single digit! :-)

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