I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investing has changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.

Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!

It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!

Click to email CW8888 or Email ID : jacobng1@gmail.com

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This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!

"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth." - Dr. Alexander Elder

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle

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Think Investing as Tug of War - Read more? Click and scroll down

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Stock Tips

Sunday 4 July 2021

Earning more than your boss? (2)

Read? Earning more than your boss?

Time for Ah Q thinking and smiles!

CPF balance higher than our boss?

Be much better CPFIS investor than our boss; and one day our CPF balance will catch up and overtake them! LOL!


  1. Big daddy's PR machinery starts to walk back the very reasons they introduced CPFIS in the first place.

    Either our wealth management industry has matured and stabliised thus no longer need support from CPF members (look at the opening of family offices and funds relocating to Singapore), or the "not fit for purpose" in your face "crash got sound" reality is too much to ignore (sad part STI is not even in bear territory)...

    Just as long they don't remove CPFIS, I'm OK.

    1. There are 2 sides of coins to see it, firstly, the investors now are getting more sophisticated due to abundance of information from internet. Secondly, wealth advisors now can no longer do a sales charge for cpfis investment, or even with wrap account for cpfis is capped at 0.4% per annual. " Ka ching " "ka ching" sound is not longer as loud as before.

  2. If the aim is to slow down the rise in property prices, think this article is falling on deaf ears LOL.

    Property is the new CPFIS and the name of the game since mid-2020 is to hoot 100% of OA. No artificial barriers of 35%. 😂

    1. Spur,

      Everything is game provided we take responsibility for our own actions.

      It's a bit sad when I see those who lost hundreds of thousands investing with CPFIS but turn around and "blame" big daddy...

      As for HDB, big daddy had done it's part to remind everyone 99 = 0.

      For private properties, it's cooling measures but how many "hue" big daddy?

  3. Take the article with a pound of salt. Many gaps & misinformation. e.g., not mentioned whether data on CPF withdrawn for investment refer to CPFIS only or include other asset classes such as gold and property. Why select Oct 19 - Sep 20 as the reference period? STI retreated to ~2500 in Sep 20, conclusion could well be different if Mar 20 - Apr 21 is used as reference. Why a window of 1 year? If the reference is 10 year or longer, "time in the market" may work its magic & conclusion could again be different.

    a biased and opinionated article that is statistically unconvincing


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