Can someone possibly earn more than one's boss assuming both have the same length of service in the company? Probably, the answer is definitely NO. Why? Your boss's NAV in the company is definitely perceived more than you so he/she will be paid more. So how can one earn more than his/her boss? <-- increase your NAV
1) Increase NAV in the company until you can be promoted above your boss, and you become his/her boss.
2) Increase NAV in your investing/trading to earn more income in addition to your employment income.
Remember what Clement said: "Nobody is stopping you from investing your own money. For investing and trading, you don't have to appear physically somewhere. You can make money using the Internet or (createwealth8888: Broadband on Mobile), and you don't need to face suppliers or competitors. You just need to face yourself."
You can do it quietly since the Mobile technology provides you the enablers. Now, with iPhone you have the computer at your palm to trade online.
So it is for your boss to earn more than his/her boss. Maybe your boss is already doing that, didn't you realize it?
Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago