I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investing has changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.

Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!

It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!

Click to email CW8888 or Email ID : jacobng1@gmail.com

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This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!

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Monday 19 July 2021

Temasek - How We Grew

Read? How We Grew

An impressive growth in Temasek's Portfolio value across market and economics cycles!

But how much of this growth is contributed by yearly capital injection?

Is yearly capital injection by Big Daddy reported somewhere?

Anyone knows?


  1. Hmm, maybe changes to the Share Capital?

    But only got past 2 years of numbers online.

    Balance sheet online starts from 2002, but it's lumped together with shareholder equity.

    PS: I'm no accountant, so I'm just talking out of my ass lol.

  2. CW,

    I don't think big daddy would want to reveal it with precision in 2 decimal places...

    Just broad stroke teasers like:

    Funds Ins & Outs of Temasek

    Basically, they saying they got use leverage as in debts to fund investments, but don't lose sleep over it!

    This would disappoint the NEVER use leverage or get into debt parrots though...

    Plus Buy-and-Hold forever acolytes too cannot quote Temasek as their "yalor, yalor" fan favourite as Temasek got practice...




    1. Smol,

      Lol, everybody wants to know the "New Capital from Shareholder" category.

      Just feast your eyes on the buy-sell-buy-sell over the past 19 years.

      With administrative expenses (mostly rental & salaries) of $11.3B one should expect quite a fair bit of active investing otherwise a low-cost automated buy-sell-rebalance of ETFs will do the job liao. 😂

    2. Spur,

      I'm more interested in the share between passive and active investing.

      And more importantly, the respective Total Shareholder Returns between the two ;)

      That would be more illuminating!

    3. Smol,

      Temasek is open enough to share their performance against passive indexes.

      If measured from 2002, Temasek is the winner with MSCI Asia ex-Jap a close 2nd.

      But if measured from 2010, Temasek loses out to a passive investor in both Global or Asia ex-Jap indexes.

      Luckily never show S&P500 (or Nasdaq, or FANGAM) otherwise more lao kui.

      I guess it's a big reason why they're now investing more into overseas markets, and is no longer koala or panda. LOL.

    4. Spur,


      It ties in nicely with what you wrote in the comments to another post here:

      "home-country bias, which was great in the 2000s but sucked in the 2010s. US one would be mediocre in 2000s but great in 2010s. Global one would be average throughout lol."

      That's the elephant in the room when it comes to passive investing - WHICH vehicles to ride!?

      The discussion between time in the market versus timing the market is meaningless when your chosen vehicle has underperformed other vehicles big time!

      Imagine compounding that underperformance over 20 to 30 years!?

      But if we constantly switch vehicles every decade, how is that "passive"?

      Investing is not easy :(

    5. Smol,

      To optimise for maximum gains is tough coz you need to be lucky & predict the unknown future.

      The default option can be a global index. For those with no opinion, then it's just a question of loss/risk tolerance -- how much into global stocks, and how much into short term govt bonds & cash.

      For those with opinions, then it's a matter of tilting e.g. reducing global stocks & bringing in allocations to say, cloud computing or semiconductors or China/India or emerging markets or small cap value or Reits or Pan-Asian (good for dividends) etc.

      The more academically inclined can try to find efficient frontier programs to determine the "ideal" allocation of the various asset classes based on their historical returns patterns. I used to play around with some free ones 16 years ago.

      Or like the Wife, just follow a tried & tested allocation like the Permanent Portfolio & get on with fun things in life.

      And for those with itchy fingers, just allocate 5%-20% for craftsmanship LOL.

  3. Long-term investing for yield and short-term trading for gains or capital cycling is workable strategy for retail investors across market and economics cycles.


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