I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investing has changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.

Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!

It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!

Click to email CW8888 or Email ID : jacobng1@gmail.com

Welcome to Ministry of Wealth!

This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!

"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth." - Dr. Alexander Elder

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle

It is here where I share with you how I did it! FREE Education in stock market wisdom.

Think Investing as Tug of War - Read more? Click and scroll down

Important Notice and Attention: If you are looking for such ideas; here is the wrong blog to visit.

Value Investing
Dividend/Income Investing
Technical Analysis and Charting
Stock Tips

Monday 7 September 2015

Set Your Goals and Enjoy Your Journey too!!!

For every overseas vacations; Uncle8888 will plan his routes and set his goals to walk up mountains and walk long trails to reach the destinations (Goals). 

Along the journey; he will do many stops to smell the flowers and watch the insects. 

Having goals doesn't stop anyone from stopping to smell the flowers and watch the insect?

So what wrong with Goals? 

When the Goals don't look right at that moment; there is no shame to do some minor adjustment and move on. We will arrive at the destination or about there but may not be absolutely there!  So what shame?



  1. thank for your encouragement wow...

  2. CW,

    Now, now. Don't be shaken out of your conviction or be ashamed.

    You belong to the majority mainstream.

    It is I who belong to the minority off stream.

    I use goal settings and planning too. They are not mutually exclusive.

    It's just that compared to your previous post where you revealed your REAL kungfu processes (tertiary level skills), goal setting sort of looks "kindergarten level", comparatively speaking...

    Setting goals anyone and everyone can do,

    Knowing something is not right and making adjustments, well, that's not something everyone can do.

    Again we are on opposite sides of the SAME coin. You focus on destinations; I focus on the process (journey).

  3. temperament,

    For grasshopper like me - of course it counts!

    I like goals that are fuzzy fuzzy, grey grey. Some may call it Vision or Dream.

    But for pedantic ants, they may mark your goal of learning as much as possible like this:

    Specific - Fail
    Measurable - Fail
    Attainable - Pass
    Relevant - Maybe (Do study in literature, history, music, arts, and reading fiction books count?)
    Time Frame - Fail

    Not SMART enough leh...

    So when people throw the textbook at me, I say thanks but no thanks! I'll use my imagination then ;)

  4. First things first.

    Must say a special thanks to CW for providing this platform for us to engage in diversity of opinions (百花齐放)!

    A less generous and open-minded person would have blocked me from commenting long ago!

    No comment moderation.

    Now that's standing tall !


    Who we will be tomorrow is the result of what we do (or have not done) today.

    It's so much fun to engage in intellectual sparring with you and CW ;)

    Like debating till we are blue whether the glass is half-full or half-empty.

    Me? It's never about who is right or wrong.

    By rubbing myself against touchstones like your good self and CW, I will know better how much "gold" content I have.

    You track your money; I track my skill level.

    And if money is just a way of keeping score, we are saying the same thing - just expressing it in different ways :)

  5. temperament,

    Of course I can understand. It makes perfect sense as you are a man of the cross. And not just one day of the week ;)

    Most people use "we" to mean "I".

    Or like to hide behind "they all" ;)

    I use "I" a lot in my posts and comments - I use it to signify I speak for myself and I take responsibility for what I say.

    If we didn't have this "verification" conversation, you would have though I am egoistical, and I think you have have poor command of English grammar ;)


  6. In blogging world; "I" = Hobbyist? "We" = Professional LOL!


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