Do you have an ideal job? I believe many don't; but, the job still provide a steady stream of income and help you to make a living. However, if you are not making a living; then probably it is time to look elsewhere.
Your money or your life ...
I have found my ideal part-time job - active investing to complement my not-so-ideal job to pay bills until my two elder kids completed their university study before deciding the next course of life while the part-time job provides me the motivation and momentum to go forward each day and each week.
If you are still holding on to your not-so-ideal job, why not start looking for some part-time activities that help you to complement your full-time not-so-ideal job. It may be easier to find your passion in your near-ideal part-time job. I know someone who is passionate about his part-time "career coaching".
Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago
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