Adam Khoo said: "The returns are infinite. When you invest in yourself, it's something that on one can take away from you."
Clement Chiang said: "Nobody is stopping you from investing your own money. For investing and trading, you don't have to appear physically somewhere. You can make money using the Internet or (createwealth8888: Broadband on Mobile), and you don't need to face suppliers or competitors. You just need to face yourself."
Joseph Chong said: "Inertia is an investor's worst enemy. It means time wasted and money foregone. Every year you delay saving and investing, it becomes worse and worse. People should start learning about investing as soon as they start saving. If you don't do that, the tuition fee becomes a lot heavier. the mistakes made earlier are cheaper. It was already mathematically clear then that just working and saving wouldn't do it. To be free from the "bondage" of employment, you must invest and compound your money."
Robert Kiyosaki said: "Most of us are so enamoured of the idea of security that, even when you are unhappy with our jobs, we will stay with them, day after day, year after year. The truth is that staying in situations which are unsatisfying only increases our sense of insecurity. We begin to feel there is no other choice but to sell our souls in the name of security."
CreateWealth8888 said: "I already realized it one day in 2001? after reading the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" that I need to be successful in my active investing in Singapore stocks only so as to free from the "bondage" of employment and that is the reason why I am blogging here."
Richard Smitten said: "Certain rules of the market are to be studied as closely as if you were a law student preparing for the Bar."
Jesse Livermore said: "Since I was 15, I have studied this subject (createwealth8888: Market) closely. I have given my life to it, concentrating upon it and putting into it my very best."
Frank McKinney said: "Take risks but never gamble."
CreaeWealth8888 said: "I agreed with Frank. Never gamble. I don't do professional gambling like trading FOREX where there is no assets involved, you are basically playing professional poker game with your retail forex brokers. I like to take risks with stocks that are paying regular dividends that are better than CPF rate of 2.5%,and prefer blue chips that our government has a hand or leg in it and if necessary the government men will kick the asses of those management."
Tom Gardner said: "The best time to start investing was yesterday. The next best time is today."
CreateWealth8888 said: "Kick your ass and get started in active investing and get yourself educated in investing and financially related knowledge." and do the following if you are newbie to active investing:
1. How much capital do you have? (This is the money that you can safely set aside and will not be needed for next 5-7 years as this is the average length of a market cycle if you are caught investing at the wrong time)
2. What is the your final target sum you wish to accumulate over your investing time frame?
3. Set your yearly performance target to reach your final target sum over your investing time frame. (Please note that in the worst years you may not achieve your yearly target; but, it should be reverting to your mean yearly target.)
Happy active investing and be hardworking in getting yourself educated. Cheers!
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