Live Simply is NOT THE SAME as trying to save every penny one has and living like a miser. No, it is not like that. Remember that we ONLY live ONCE, and let try to enjoy ourselves and still have fun, and yet not spending too much time and energy acquiring more money to sustain that kind of lifestyle.
We can choose our own lifestyle. We can choose how to spend our time, energy, and money or we can choose NOT to catch up with frenetic urge to acquire more to show off. We can choose to slow down in the later stage of our work life and forgo climbing the corporate ladder once we have less family liabilities.
I have chosen to be DEBT FREE before 40 and will remain that way till the day I say bye bye to planet Earth. I don't bother with the idea of GOOD DEBT OR BAD DEBT. Every debt by nature carries the risk of default in the event of a BLACK SWAN happening. How to live a carefree life if one still have debts to pay off as you will need to divert some time and energy into debt management.
I choose not to upgrade my four-room flat so that I will not get into another debt.
I choose BMW as transport. (Bus, MRT, Walk)
I choose to be partial blind and unable to see clearly what others have in their everyday processions.
So what did you choose and that will determine how you are going to slog it out in your work life?
Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
4 hours ago