invest, thesundaytimes April 19,2009
Mr Aaron Sim, founder of Wealth Mentors ..
Q: How did you get interested in investing?
After reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki over one weekend in Oct 1999, I decided I no longer wanted to "work for money".
Many years back, my female colleague told me about her hubby was so crazy about this book, reading it over and over again. She was damned pissed off. Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to check it out too. Oh my God, after reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, it changed me completely, I immediately realized that "work for money" may not be the best way going forward.
I believe many people have read this book. Not sure, how many people will believe it? You needn't believe in everything he said. He said this: "I am not your Dad!"
He is talking about wealth strategy. His wealth strategy on property may not be suitable for you. I too disagree and not going into Property as wealth building strategy (I have done my own research into ROC on Property, time and effort required. Being a lazy fisherman, I would rather click some buttons on Web Browser without ever leaving home to make some kopi money)
With this recession, many people in US following his wealth strategy of using property as wealth building could be cursing him now.
The critical learning point in Rich Dad Poor Dad that really strikes me is this one: Reduce the time and effort spent in "work for money".
As an Employee and Self-Employed: Make effort to reduce time spent in building wealth in these quadrants, and move into Investing and Business Owner quadrant as soon as possible.
Of course, the good thing about being Employee is that you aren't very much affected by Negative Cashflow, other than having worrying of job security once a while during recessions; but unlike those in the Investing and Business Owner quadrant, any wrong move may be destroying wealth instead of building wealth. The thought of it may really hold many people back and prevent them from going into these quadrants.
However, staying as an employee can be a false sense of job security too.
Read? false sense of financial security?
Being Self-employed mean that you are your own BOSS. But, you may or may not be better than employee, as you now may have more things to worry about. Employee is getting paid for conducting personal disposal task in the toilet, but not sure about self-employed, you are getting paid too?
Working in the corporate world is like climbing the Pyramid of Opportunity, as you move up this ladder, you are given more money, but come with more responsibilities and lesser opportunity to move up to the next level. There is only CEO post, and that few fellows below him/her may be eagerly waiting or plotting to grab his/her seat.
In investing, it is an Inverted Pyramid, you may start off with little opportunity or may even face negative equity if you get it wrong at first. But, when you are successful in moving up the Inverted Pyramid of Investing, every successful move up the ladder will give you better opportunity.
For example, you have $50K capital and to make $5K from $50K capital, it requires you investing right to get the 10% ROC, certainly it is not an easy task. However, if you become better in your investing skills, and you manage to grow your account to $100K, then to make the same $5K out of a $100K account requires only 5% ROC, and definitely it is so much easier now.
So what you think? Do you get it???
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