Another Debate On Property Or Stocks Investing - Part 3
Investing in stocks is like ...
Investing in property is like ...
"All investments by nature are risky; if not it will be called saving instead of investing." - CreateWealth8888
"People who make money often make mistakes, and even have major setbacks, but they believe they will eventually prosper, and they see every setback as a lesson to be applied in their move towards success." - Jerry Gillies
Can you afford the risks of losing a few chicken and not getting any eggs from the chicken? Most of us can reasonably take such risks without causing serious financial damages to our family if we fail badly. Most of us will also have little difficulty to start it all over again if we regain our confidence in investing.
But, how many of us can afford to take one huge risk of losing a cow and not getting enough milk? Do you have Bank PaPa or Bank Mama to bail you out should you fail badly? If not, you are going to labour many hours of hard works for free.
If you really love milking cows, hear what
said: "Do or do not. There is no try."
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