Read? Playing The Game of Leverage (3)
The mind of an investor can easily change their perception of risk/reward when the investing idea for the SAME financial instrument is presented in different scenarios depending on the mind perceiving it as Greed, Doubt or Fear.
Let take DBS 6% NCPS as an example for such financial instrument
Scenario 1
I believe Investor easily has SPARE $20K that can be used for investing; but he rather keep it in bank or money market earning low return of 1% for whatever reasons or simply waiting for better investing opportunity to come.
If you ask him to invest this SPARE $20K in DBS 6% NCPS to earn passive income of 4%. He have to think hard whether is this a good idea or not?
Scenario 2
But for the same financial instrument, in this case DBS 6% NCPS can be thought to be a good candidate for leveraging for passive income.
To use your OWN money to invest in such financial instrument to earn passive income. NOT SURE.
To BORROW $20K and use it as leverage for passive income looked like a good idea. Really strange? Greed playing out in the investor's mind?
Extended: HSBC Live+’s 8% Cashback Rate Lives On Until 31st March 2025
Originally ending on 31st December 2024, HSBC Live+’s generous 8% cashback
earn rate has been extended by another quarter. The card will continue to
5 hours ago
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