Here in SG, we also have few of these smart money grabbers over dummy investors promising these dummy investors magic stones that can generate money if you faithfully rub the magic stones everyday. If you didn't generate $$$, they will tell you that you didn't rub the magic stones at the right angle or at the right spots.
It is always your fault if you can't get the magic stones to puke out $$$$.
If someone really have magic stones that can puke out $$$ so easily, why they are selling at $X,XXX. They should have secretly pass the magic stones to their family members to generate plenty of $$$ themselves and become one of richest family in Singapore.
Open your eyes, there is always another Bernard Madoff somewhere
NEW YORK - Court documents released Friday show that Bernard Madoff and his wife Ruth lived a life of high luxury, with exclusive homes, yachts and other assets worth 823 million dollars.
The revelations came in documents filed with the US Court of Appeals due March 19 to hear Madoff's appeal to be granted bail. He was jailed on Thursday after pleading guilty to a multi-billion-dollar investment fraud.
The documents, filed by Madoff's lawyer, show the Wall Street con man and his wife had 22 million dollars worth of real estate at the end of 2008.