Opportunity cost or economic opportunity loss is the value of the next best alternative foregone as the result of making a decision.
So you have future cash (those extras not needed in 7-10 years time) and should you stay invest now. What is your opportunity cost?
Well. Putting the cash in a Fixed Deposit to protect capital, and the opportunity cost is about 0.5-0.8%, probably going forward is likely to be less than 3-8%. Banks are more risk averse going forward, and unlikely they will be giving better return to you for taking more risks for you.
Now, the tough decision. Is the opportunity cost of 0.5-0.8% ROC worth taking up the risks and emotion stress of seeing a falling asset value day after day for better return in years to come, or fear of missing the boat, or regretting investing TOO EARLY.
Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
3 hours ago