On Super friend's dad
His father bought property at River Valley at $550K during 2005 and sold at $800K at 2008.
After accounting for those fees payable,
annualized ROC is 9.9%
So I think the biggest advantage of Property Investing over Active Stock Investing is your size of capital. It is extremely emotional to invest huge sum of capital in the stock market, and so much relaxing to invest in the Property market.
As property investors will never see any unrealized losses throughout their holding period.
For much smaller capital, ROC on value stocks is really not too bad either. Another advantage is active capital recycling for compounding effect, which is not possible for property investing unless you are flipper.
For emotional control, think like a property investor so you too will never see any unrealized losses throughout your holding period. The conclusion is that you have bigger stomach and live the life of a cat (sleep well no matter what happen), ROC on stocks may be better.