I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investinghas changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.
Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!
It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!
This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!
"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth."- Dr. Alexander Elder
"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle
It is here where I share with you how I did it! FREE Education in stock market wisdom.
Long term investing is all about recognizing market cycles exist and then figure out for ourselves how much money from the stock market we can comfortably received and keep it safely from giving back at the next Bear.
Patience, discipline and financial capacity to accept this trade off and expecting larger and better outcome when that opportunity finally strikes!
Get real and don't be fooled by illusion of wealth in bullish stock market! Read? My Own Psychology Of Losses: Losing Money And Deploying Cash Is Not The Same! 20 years in the stock market; probably Uncle8888 had seen what is real and what is just an illusion! STI, Stock Value and War Chest across past market cycles
STI, Stock Value, War Chest and Cash Flow across past market cycles
Read? Discovering Johore by Bus and Walk - Mersing Monday, 23 March 2015 Kota Tinggi - Larkin RM 4.80. Friday, 29 Nov 2019 After 4 yrs, still RM 4.80 But, with minor trade off. Bus still has air - "con" and good life span!
SINGAPORE - People in the Republic are contributing more to their retirement funds, said the Central Provident Fund Board in a statement on Thursday (Nov 28). Singaporeans added nearly $1.6 billion in total under the Retirement Sum Topping-Up Scheme between January and October. CW8888: Wow! Of course, we love our CPF Retirement scheme! Please keep our money with CPF to compound at 4%. Bom pi pi! Hmm ... Those opposition parties campaigning on Return My CPF to form the next government still got chance ah??? CPF lovers over-run CPF haters! No?
The total top-up amount was an increase from $1.5 billion over the same period last year. CPF members topped up a total of $2 billion to their accounts for the whole of 2018. In 2015, the total top-up amount was $934 million. The scheme helps people to build their retirement savings by topping up their own Special Account or Retirement Account, or those of their loved ones. "These top-ups, which comprise cash top-ups and CPF transfers, help build up members' retirement savings. With higher CPF bala nces, these members would receive higher payouts in their retirement years," the CPF Board said. Members have also been able to have the Basic Retirement Sum, or more, in their CPF accounts as a result of the top-ups received, said the board. Over the last three years, close to 24,000 members attained the Basic Retirement Sum, or more, after receiving top-ups to their CPF.
SINGAPORE: Workers in Singapore received a bump of 2.2 per cent in their income in 2019, according to the Labour Force in Singapore Advance Release report released on Thursday (Nov 28).
The nominal median income of Singapore residents on full-time employment increased this year toS$4,563from the S$4,437 recorded in 2018, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) report said.
This year's 2.2 per cent real income growth is lower than the growth of 4.4 per cent in 2018.
From 2014 to 2019, real median income increased by 3.8 per cent annually - "significantly higher" than the 1.9 per cent annual growth in the preceding five years.
The findings were based on the Comprehensive Labour Force Survey conducted in mid-2019 by the ministry's research and statistics department.
Low-wage workers - those at the 20th percentile - experienced 4.4 per cent annual growth in median income from 2014 to 2019, higher than the 3.8 per cent growth for those at the 50th percentile and significantly higher than in the preceding five years.
Unemployment rate of resident PMETs and non-PMETs. (Graphics: MOM)
Unemployment among non-PMETs increased to 4.7 in June 2019 from 4.0 per cent a year prior, due to cyclical effects such as the US-China trade conflict which affected manufacturing output and retail trade.
But the increase in their long-term unemployment rate was "slight" - from 0.7 per cent to 0.8 per cent.
The proportion of resident workers on fixed-term contracts continued to increase to 7.6 per cent from 7.2 per cent last year, indicating that employers are more cautious on hiring amid uncertainty.
Permanent employees continued to form the vast majority among resident employees, even though their share dipped slightly from from 89.4 per cent to 89.3 per cent.
The ministry said it is closely monitoring the labour market with Workforce Singapore, and will support Singaporeans' employment through the Adapt and Grow initiative.
"We also encourage jobseekers to be open to opportunities in other sectors and occupations beyond what they are familiar with," it added.
Commenting on the labour report, Manpower Minister Josephine Teo said that the current outlook can be described as "persistent showers but with pockets of sunshine".
Mrs Teo said that in spite of economic headwinds, companies were still hiring and local employment continued to grow.
Even in sectors hit by the trade tensions like manufacturing, there were about 6,000 manufacturing job vacancies in June this year.
"That will remain our focus: Help people enter into jobs where there is potential for growth, where there's potential for advancement," she said.
Source: CNA/jt(rw) Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-income-wages-labour-market-report-mom-12133236
Read? It Is NOT SEXY To Talk About Saving And Earned Income As Investment Bloggers??? 39 years as full-time employee from Aug 1977 (21 yrs old) to Sep 2016 (60 yrs old) and 20 years as retail Panda/Koala investor doing short-term trading and long-term investing in local SGX across markt cycles of Bulls and Bear From Jan 2000 to Nov 2019 Which one has generated better return on capital? Human asset or Financial asset? Uncle8888 has invested his money, time and energy to upgrade his human asset from GCE A through part-time study to Diploma and Degree.
But the sad truth about human asset is that not all of us can make it! Read? For Most Of Us, The Sad Truth About Our Human Asset And Why We Need To Think About It??? But; he still has this strong belief that our human asset is a better wealth generator i.e. earn more, save more. Although, Uncle8888 was a piece of dead wood as employee in his last decade of corporate working life; but he still accumulated his annual salary till his voluntary early retirement and stopped becoming liability to his bosses as Team Lead who himself was NOT motivated and just cruising along! Read? I Am Liability To The Team!!!
The result for CAGR on human asset over 39 years as full-time employee vs CAGR of investment portfolio over 20 years across market cycles as Panda/Koala class of retail investor in local SGX market. Human asset : 12.7% CAGR over 39 years Financial asset : 6.2% CAGR over 20 years. How many of us seriously think that by coming to the stock market with 5 or low 6 digits investing capital; and you can pursue FI or FIRE without focusing on earn more, save more strategy on our human asset?
Read? Have You Took The National Steps Challenge Season 4? (3) National steps challenge season 5 Redeemed $20 worth of NTUC vouchers and concurrently also redeemed free 2 to 3 GB per month from Singtel-AIA Step up So far Uncle8888 has walked over 3,800 KM in 2019
In another interview, Dr Bernstein further elaborates what he meant by “won the game”. “When you have acquired enough money to sustain you for the rest of your life, stop risking it. If you are financially independent but still working, you can dramatically lower the financial risks in your life by continuing to save and letting your investments compound, even if you use a less risky portfolio. You may go from a 4% initial withdrawal rate to a 2% withdrawal rate. Perhaps you can go from a 60% stock portfolio to a 40% stock portfolio. You do not have to invest on margin either. FI without RE can allow you to lower risk.” In investment blogosphere, we will read contradicting financial advice on how to FIRE or RE. Snake oil will say something like this ... Don't worry! If capital not enough; then leverage up to FIRE or RE. When you achieve FIRE or RE; then how? Listen to which advice? Dr Bernstein or Snake oil? After de-risking or deleveraging; can still maintain FIRE or RE? Hmm ... cheam?
You can see more bloggers starting to express delight with CPF BHS yearly increase! Did you see anyone complaining to their MP on this increase? 4% compound interests shiok to the bone!
“I use the analogy of the ant versus the grasshopper,” Dr. Guo said. “When I tell that story to my kids, I always praise the ants for working hard all summer, saving for winter and being prepared.” When he talks to retirees and people planning for retirement, he is less enthusiastic about industrious ants. “What we found in our study is that, if people behave like ants, it can be very problematic. Once they get into the habit of saving, it’s very hard for them to break it. The behavior becomes sticky.” CW8888: Ant has been planning in the Summer and preparing for the Winter. Knowing that he has enough to survive through the Winter; he can now go and dance in the Sun and the Land of Decumulation without worrying to suffer the fate of Grasshopper in the Winter!
CW8888 : LOL! Too convenient then higher seafood price. leh! Currently, Morning SIN to JB Larkin to Pontian (lunch) then to Kukup (1 to 2 night). 2 to 2.5 hrs by public transport on way. Long time, didn't go to Pontian for seafood!
Speaking at Pakatan Harapan's rally for the Tanjung Piai by-election, Mr Muhyiddin said that the services would help transport tourists from Tuas in Singapore to Kukup more efficiently, and bring in more tourism dollars for the area. "I've heard a few locals here asking why are there are no ferry services between Kukup and Tuas in Singapore, because many Singaporeans love to visit Kukup to eat seafood and enjoy the many activities in the area," said Mr Muhyiddin. "I've asked the (Johor) chief minister if this was feasible, he said to me just now, god willing, yes. So if we win, we will ensure that ferry services between Singapore and Kukup are implemented as soon as possible," he added, drawing loud applause from the crowd. Plans to boost tourism in Kukup has recently gained momentum, with campaigning for the Tanjung Piai parliamentary by-election intensifying before voting on Saturday.
If you have spent enough time reading in the investment blogosphere; you will come across writings by those with commercially vested interests telling you these two words : compounding and leverage.
(1) The key is to start early and let compounding work in your favour to meet ...... (FI, FIRE or Retire)
(2) If your unleveraged portfolio is insufficient for ....(whatever); then go and leverage up your portfolio to meet it.
Compounding And Leverage Work In Your Favour??? What they will never tell you? You can compound negatively in your investment until you feel so painfully and chop fingers and never ever again! Check with your Merdeka generation relatives! Government also learnt this lesson of letting Singaporeans buying discounted SingTel shares as part of wealth sharing of national assets. Why discounted SingTel share is the FIRST and the LAST? Government chopped fingers??? Never ever again! Leverage is a double edged sword! Can be seriously NEGATIVE too! Without leverage; you can be poorer by losing what you have put it; but you won't be made bankrupt by your bankers or brokers!
Decumulation is actually a word and it refers to the de-accumulation of assets in order to maintain your quality of life in retirement. It's much more complex than the accumulation of assets. Read? Why Retirement Decumulation Is The New Accumulation You can be young without money but you can't be old without it. - Tennessee Williams With DBS Q3 dividend declared at $0.3. Cash flow for 2019 is completed. It is 8.4% ROC (Own investing capital since Jan 2000)
Read? Day 5 to Day 8 (Morning) : Taoyuan (2) Kengkou Community Painted Village(坑口彩繪村) On Taoyuan MRT line so it is easily accessible from Taipei for a 2 to 3 hrs trip. 10 to 15 mins walk from Kengkou (A11) station
Otherwise the village is dull farm land.
Too many photos to show as every house in the village is painted with arts!
If you like Penang's street building arts; here is much better as it is concentrated in one village!
On Apr 24 mysecretinvestment commented on dear friends of cw8888: “Very well written, Regina.Indeed you all should be proud of your father. He has achieved much and…”
On Apr 15 tech fan commented on in loving memory: “I am so sorry for your loss. I enjoyed reading UncleCW8888's post over the years. ”
On Apr 12 Rainbow commented on in loving memory: “Dear Regina, my deepest condolences to you and your family.UncleCW8888 had unselfishly shared so…”
On Apr 11 ironmao commented on in loving memory: “My deepest condolences. Your dad was an inspiration to myself and many others. May he rest in peace”
On Apr 11 Blade Knight commented on in loving memory: “My most heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Have always enjoyed reading the short and…”
On Apr 10 Rolf Suey commented on in loving memory: “Hi Regina, My sincere and deepest condolences to you and your family. It really saddens me to know…”
On Apr 10 coven commented on in loving memory: “Deepest condolences to the family. CW8888 wisdom and lifestyle has been an inspiration to me ”
On Apr 10 hyom commented on in loving memory: “I've never met CW before, so I'm not close to him although I read and commented on his blog…”
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Last updated : 24 Sep 2022
I am 66 yrs old uncle living in HDB heartland who has achieved financial independence @ 56 and finally retired @ 60 from full-time job as employee on 1 Oct 2016.
Single household income since 1995 with three children.
Currently, two sons and one daughter are working.
I have been doing 22 years of long-term investing and short-term trading in Singapore stock market only since Jan 2000 so I am that so-called Panda or Koala in the investment world.
Currently, I am on my way to Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life after 23 years of building up Investment Portfolio through long-term investing for growth-dividends and short-term trading on Rounds after Rounds.
I have also achieved sustainable retirement income for life from CPF and Year-on-year Diminishing Bear Market Impact stock Investment Portfolio in local market, SGX! i.e. Beary Safe!
Disclaimer: Stock trading involves significant risks. Create Wealth trader is not a licensed Investment Adviser and will not be responsible for any losses which you incurred. You are advised to always do your own homework before making any trading decision.