I started serious Investing Journey in Jan 2000 to create wealth through long-term investing and short-term trading; but as from April 2013 my Journey in Investinghas changed to create Retirement Income for Life till 85 years old in 2041 for two persons over market cycles of Bull and Bear.
Since 2017 after retiring from full-time job as employee; I am moving towards Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life investing strategy where 100% of investment income from portfolio investment is cashed out to support household expenses i.e. not a single cent of re-investing!
It is 57% (2017 to Aug 2022) to the Land of Investing Nirvana - Freehold Income for Life!
This blog is authored by an old multi-bagger blue chips stock picker uncle from HDB heartland!
"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men and women who look for ways to take money away from you instead of pouring milk into your mouth."- Dr. Alexander Elder
"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." - Aristotle
It is here where I share with you how I did it! FREE Education in stock market wisdom.
True. We like to bluff ourselves when come to market with so many "proven" methods as shown by many and yet when come to ourselves in the market we lose money.
From: I don't know and can anyone show me how to short without leverage?
To: I go double-check about CFD (you making a comment about CFD when you have not once tried it?)
To: I now have all the answers! Thank you very much!
In case you were wondering what has transpired? That's the power of coaching!
Agree not agree does not matter. Makes sense not make sense not important too.
I can feel the PASSION and STRONG EMOTIONS in your every word! Now that's coming from deep WITHIN temperament ;)
Imagine if you had shared with us your bad expperiences or personal discomfort with shorting from the very beginning. Even if there's a legitimate way to short without leverage, you wouldn't do it.
See the difference?
It was never about leverage or CFD or brokerage having all the cards ;)
Superb! Just say what you really feel and think! Its OK one. Really!
All mutual funds can long only like you too. The same goes for ETFs (unless its a short ETF).
For active long only fund managers, if they are bearish, they would get into higher percentage of cash. That's the only way they can mitigate the "loses" in a bear market. Relative performance remember?
If STI drops -20% and their funds "only" sank -8%, its outperformance for the win!
Can ETF managers get into higher cash? Outperformance on the way up may not translate to on the way down... Let's see whether active mutual funds will beat passive ETFs in the next bear market. It would be interesting!
One arm swordsman is indeed powerful! Totally agree with Cw :)
Provided we don't fall asleep on the wheel like in 2008...
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Last updated : 24 Sep 2022
I am 66 yrs old uncle living in HDB heartland who has achieved financial independence @ 56 and finally retired @ 60 from full-time job as employee on 1 Oct 2016.
Single household income since 1995 with three children.
Currently, two sons and one daughter are working.
I have been doing 22 years of long-term investing and short-term trading in Singapore stock market only since Jan 2000 so I am that so-called Panda or Koala in the investment world.
Currently, I am on my way to Investing Nirvana - Freehold Investment Income for Life after 23 years of building up Investment Portfolio through long-term investing for growth-dividends and short-term trading on Rounds after Rounds.
I have also achieved sustainable retirement income for life from CPF and Year-on-year Diminishing Bear Market Impact stock Investment Portfolio in local market, SGX! i.e. Beary Safe!
Disclaimer: Stock trading involves significant risks. Create Wealth trader is not a licensed Investment Adviser and will not be responsible for any losses which you incurred. You are advised to always do your own homework before making any trading decision.
Why CFD?
ReplyDeleteNeed to leverage for more dividend income?
ReplyDeletePlease don't tell others you worked in a bucket shop before... (I suspect you worked 1 day and got fired)
How to short without leverage:
1) Securities Borrowing and Lending - SBL. Borrow from broker and short.
2) CFD - Put $50K into CFD account but use $45K to short. Where got leverage?
3) Short the shares you currently owned - no need CFD or borrow from SBL. Just sell and buy back at lower price ;)
Ignorance still got help.
Saying the emperor got wear clothes... You ownself help ownself!
Agreed with smol "short" your shares you owned in Round X to X X until you get KO. No margin calls. Only take Panadols when it goes wrong!
DeleteIf we are giving a workshop on how to Trust and Verify, we can use this tread as case study ;)
Say don't know now say have done it before... Hee, hee.
Not FOC?
Show me how you long stocks then?
Cyberspace full of dragons and snakes.
Slippery ones are not dragons ;)
True. We like to bluff ourselves when come to market with so many "proven" methods as shown by many and yet when come to ourselves in the market we lose money.
ReplyDeleteWhy like that?
ReplyDeleteSee how much progress you have made in a day?
From: I don't know and can anyone show me how to short without leverage?
To: I go double-check about CFD (you making a comment about CFD when you have not once tried it?)
To: I now have all the answers! Thank you very much!
In case you were wondering what has transpired? That's the power of coaching!
Agree not agree does not matter. Makes sense not make sense not important too.
I can feel the PASSION and STRONG EMOTIONS in your every word! Now that's coming from deep WITHIN temperament ;)
Imagine if you had shared with us your bad expperiences or personal discomfort with shorting from the very beginning. Even if there's a legitimate way to short without leverage, you wouldn't do it.
See the difference?
It was never about leverage or CFD or brokerage having all the cards ;)
We don't have to worry over fighting with one arm or both arm. One arm swordsman is very powerful too.
ReplyDeleteOne arm pull up and one arm push up is very powerful.
ReplyDeleteSuperb! Just say what you really feel and think! Its OK one. Really!
All mutual funds can long only like you too. The same goes for ETFs (unless its a short ETF).
For active long only fund managers, if they are bearish, they would get into higher percentage of cash. That's the only way they can mitigate the "loses" in a bear market. Relative performance remember?
If STI drops -20% and their funds "only" sank -8%, its outperformance for the win!
Can ETF managers get into higher cash? Outperformance on the way up may not translate to on the way down... Let's see whether active mutual funds will beat passive ETFs in the next bear market. It would be interesting!
One arm swordsman is indeed powerful! Totally agree with Cw :)
Provided we don't fall asleep on the wheel like in 2008...
Notice how much cash CW is holding now?
Trump loved celebrating the stock market surge in 2017, but he's been quiet about this year's declines