The childhood rhyme, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, has a long history of helping children deal with those silly words.
We Individually Control the Effect
Did your parent, or grand-parents or teachers told you about this rhyme? Or you are like me, I learned the rhyme when I was a child, and then taught it to my children.
Even now it reminds me that people's words can't hurt me unless I let them. I can't control people and what they say, but I can control the effect their words have upon me.
The childhood rhyme, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, teaches a valuable lesson everyone should remember. Words can't hurt us, unless we let them. If you ignore them long enough, then they become silly words.
Why do you bother to ever get defensive when someone doesn't agree with something you say or write?
As we connect via this Internet world you will realize there are cyber friends and others.
A cyber friend would understand why you say what you say, others might not.
A cyber friend might question why is it you phrase something a certain way while others might just blow up on you.
A cyber friend would want to take the time to understand what you really say while others would not have any clues.
There are many others. There are few cyber friends ... This is why a cyber community is so hard to build, it starts with mutual interests but thrives on deeper connections and have time for kopi-o.
So to my cyber friend, PiggyBank, don't waste your time on others.
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