Well said by Dr wong:
"One cannot depend on salary alone. We need passive income as well. I hope to be business owner rather than worker"
I, createwealth8888, trade and invest to achieve a second passive income; and to reach FI stage by Sep 2011, where the passive income from yearly drawdown (4%) from this net worth plus trading profit to become the main stream income and salary to form secondary income or no income.
Motivational guru Tony Robbins teaches that the reason for doing something rates much higher than the methods you use to get the job done. If you have the strong enough “why” to begin trading – then you will find a way to get the job done. ( extract from David Jenyns )
Personal goal keep you motivated and focused. Take that goal and put it where you will see it when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep each night. If you really want to burn this goal into your subconscious mind you should read it aloud once each morning and evening.
This technique really works. It is not “corny”. This is a key technique Napoleon Hill teaches in “Think and Grow Rich”; the class success book teaches how to turn your thoughts into riches. ( extract from David Jenyns )
Here’s what to expect for the T-bill auction on 27 Feb
What happened? Despite the fall in T-bill yields, many investors still seem
to be watching the upcoming auction closely. After all, some may be hoping
4 hours ago
createwealth bro, I support you all the way! I hope to be done by then as well. Hope to have a lot of time to drink coffee with you.