Thursday 9 July 2020

50% Pay Cut! (2)

Read? 50% Pay Cut!

At last, life in Singapore is going back to BELOW normal; and it may stay in this new normal for a long time till vaccine is found. 

Will we have another full lock-down?

Unlikely? May be location-based areas lock-down. Full lock-down again will be financially and emotionally stressful for many of us!

Uncle8888 also back to 8 Hours Work Week as all restaurant outlets are fully open; but for buffet restaurant it becomes new normal. You order (via tablet). We serve! More server jobs are created!

Uncle8888's children also back to office. No more WFH!

1 comment:

  1. Paid two walking trips per week covering more 15 km each. KLKK but lowly compensated. Up to date, I encountered 4 kind hearted people with good intentions and advise me to get a proper job with CPF and medical benefits. LOL!
