Thursday 19 September 2019

Walk and Walk (3)

Read? Walk and Walk (2)

Don't track. Don't measure. How do we know the real happening?

All these years; Uncle8888 has been thinking that fishing is a physically "lazy" activity. But; he was wrong for so many years! 

Every step walking to fishing rods and back will finally add up at the end of a fishing day!

This fishing trip from Sun to Wed steps count statistics taught him one important lesson.

To know the real happening; we have to track and measure.

What we think may not be the real data point!


  1. Wah piang! If me, think I will just e-scoot my lazy ass from one rod to another.

    Hope you got plenty fishes to makan! :)

    1. No need to buy fish for the next few weeks from Ntuc fairprice
