Sunday 14 May 2017

Maximize Or Optimizing Your Wealth In Your Younger Years???

Read? Hey! Are You Married With Kids?

Same as the CPF Talk. Initially; the topic suggested was Maximizing CPF For Your Retirement when he was first approached to participate in the talk. If it is about Maximizing; then don't find him. LOL! 

So do you want to maximize or optimize your wealth in younger years by monetizing all your available free time?

Any time lost in your younger years can never be recovered with whatever large quantity of money that you have maximized.

For those who wish to have spouse in their life; it is better to find one when you are poorer and not richer. When you are richer; you may become too cautious whenever someone gets too close to you. 

Love me or my money. Hmm ... Arh. Think and think! Soon senior citizens!

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