Wednesday 15 March 2017

What Is Actually F.I.R.E??? Why We Should Love It!!!

F.I.R.E (Financial Independence Retire Early)

After knowing a few F.I.R.E people ..

some retire from their full-time job to take care their children i.e. becoming house-husband or housewife; 

some do full /part-time charity/church works; 

one of them full-time studying Bible and 

the rest of them doing free lance or part-time jobs

F.I.R.E doesn't mean idling day after day; week after week 

F.I.R.E really means ...

FIRE Your Boss! 

FIRE Your Full Time Job!

FIRE Your Leave Application!

You have gained back lots of control over how you spend your time!

People now cannot suka suka call for a meeting and you lan lan have to attend or ask someone to rep you.

Now; people will ask you whether you are free for meeting when you are actually more free than before. LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Uncle CW,

    I also want to FIRE! But money is still the main issue, especially now with a kid. The question is HOW to get there :)
