Sunday 26 March 2017

8th Year Into Waiting For Mr. Bear ....

krz md26 March 2017 at 15:52:00 GMT+8

uncle, what % is in your war chest?

Malu. Poor market timer!

Kiasu and kiasi!

So what is his plan to deploy his War Chest?

As Blue Chips Uncle; it is not that difficult to decide how to do it.

STI index will guide his deployment plan with Bell Curve across the Fall of STI.

STI is crashing!!!

How can we still stay calm?

Learn from ancient wisdom:

 If you have a worry problem, do these three things: 

1. Ask yourself: “What is the worst that can possibly happen?” 

2. Prepare to accept it if you have to. 

3. Then calmly proceed to improve on the worst.” 

(Carnegie 49)

Uncle8888 did a stress test on his investment portfolio and the worst case scenrio is ...

The Past. The Present and The Future!

Do take note that Uncle8888 is NOT fully depending on his stock dividends as cash flow to support his retirement income. He is still very ambitious on capital gains even he has no more earned income from full-time job. Uncommon investing strategy for retirees?

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