Friday 30 September 2016

Q3 2016 Investment Performance Report

Read? H1 2016 Investment Performance Report

A Goal-based Approach Investing Strategy

Uncle8888 has adopted a Goal-based Approach investing strategy by setting for himself a 10-year progressive Goal Targets to be achieved for each year from 2012 to 2021.

Our investing journey is not Horse Race or Rat Race where we compete against others.  No! It is our investment Marathon Race where we set our own pace and compete against ourselves to win our own race.

Year 5: Q3 2016 Result for Tap No 3 (Cash Flow from Investment Portfolio)

 Achieved 38.5% against 44% of 2021 Goal Targets.

Investment Portfolio XIRR

Track, Measure and Visualize! 

Without doing it; how to revise investing strategies and to improve year-on-year investing performance? 

 Investment Portfolio's XIRR includes all investable cash plus the current stocks value at market closing price as on 30 Sep 2016.

Since one year ago: -2.3%
Since 1 Nov 2008: +1.2%
Since 1 Jan 2003: +7.0%
Since 1 Jan 2000: +6.5%

The reality of riding market cycles of Bull and Bear

Until we master the Art Of Market Timing to optimize our gains; we will be riding up and down the market cycles without real significant gains.

Building Sustainable Retirement Income For Life Across Future Market Cycles

Real Taps. Real Money!

Tips for newbies/young ones: The bulk of our net worth comes through our saving from our hard earned incomes from our jobs and our investment portfolio will be the Accelerator to become wealthy or reach financial independence earlier when we get it right.

Stop day dreaming from Get Rich Fast scam or 30 minutes a day effort to get rich!


  1. The code CW8888 or Uncle8888 has been whispering around since I have retired. They can Google it. So simple!

    More silent ex-colleagues will be reading soon.
