Sunday 29 May 2016

Worry About Your Retirement? Come And Join The Ants!!!

Do you worry that you can't retire in Singapore?

If yes, you should stop worrying about it and quickly join the Ants' Camp to prepare for your own retirement. You should start younger in your 40s and that gives you more time to look at other older Ants on how they have done it.
Investment Portfolio Income may not necessary be from stocks. It can be from renting out your spare rooms at your residential home or downgrading your current home and draw down on your residual cash proceeds from the sales of property.  


  1. Quote:

    "She said the prudent approach is to have a combination of guaranteed income - such as Central Provident Fund (CPF) Life payouts, life savings, and Singapore Savings Bonds - and non-guaranteed ones from higher-yielding investments.

    "These sources can then be used to fund our needs and wants," she said. She urged those present to separate their wants from their needs. Needs should be funded by secure income sources, while wants can be supported by relatively riskier ones such as stock dividends.

    lol... Tap 1 & 3 theory at work!

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