Tuesday 24 May 2016

Why Investing Strategies From Rich Investment Bloggers in Singapore May Not Work For You

Read? Why Financial Advice for Rich Singaporeans Won’t Work For You

To think about it for the above article.

Same as Why investing strategies from rich investment bloggers with their multi-millions dollar portfolio in Singapore may not work for you.



  1. CW,

    Give it up.

    Everyone wants to follow Warren Buffett one lah! If cannot, daughter-in-law also can!

    If we extrapolate on this weird logic, cousins, grand children, secretary, doorman of Warren Buffett also boleh! No fish; prawn also can?

    No worries. I'll jio you for coffee after Sept and ask you about the financial history of the 80s. Kovan and Hougang got fond memories for me. Two of my ex stayed there; they now some other people's wives :(

    1. The one who jio first will pay. :-)

    2. Of course, of course :)

      You my qianbei mah!

    3. "Everyone wants to follow Warren Buffett one lah! If cannot, daughter-in-law also can! "

      LOL following the FORMER daughter-in-law is useless.
      the man changes all the time.


      so taking photos next to Mary Buffett is useless! LOL sorry I laugh so hard.
