Sunday 26 April 2015

Diversify or Concentrate???

Not exactly how to fix his investing strategy into the commonly known investing theme - Diversify or Concentrate?

Uncle8888 is more of Diversify into rounds after rounds and leaving behind some Concentrate for storage like fake orange or apple juice.

His top three holding value of Kep Corp, Sembcorp Ind, and DBS at last Friday market closing price plus all past realized short-term P/L and accumulated dividends as percentage of his net worth. 

Recently, he has been selling down his stake in DBS to return money to His CPF.

CPF is Good for him!


  1. Probably it is more comfortable and profitable to keep doing the same thing over and over. When our mind is at ease, we can be at peace with the erratic behavior of Mr. Market too. We are not as crazy as Mr. Market


  2. HWZ supports you!
