Saturday 10 January 2015

How Much Is Enough???

When one lives in a poor neighborhood it is easier to feel richer when one have some extra money.


Read? $10,000 pay day per month???

After knowing the median household income is S$7,870, if we are not too greedy, $60K passive income @ 2-3% inflation rate should be enough for us to live reasonably well in Singapore.


 Choose wealth and then more choices become available somehow. e.g. freedom from works; freedom from time schedules, freedom from rushing and hurrying, freedom from checking time, ... LOL!


  1. Hi CW,

    The challenge is to build up a portfolio that can earn passive income of $60k annually. Not even sure how long that'd take me.

    1. I took very long!

      So long .....................................


      Started as low income earner. Bo pian!

      Started working with A level.

      A level is the 2nd lowest job grade in my company. The lowest is O level job grade e.g. clerical and admin support roles

      Later added on even more financial stress as single household income with three kids and I also have to invest on human asset to upgrade to diploma and degree.

      When we are conscious about it, we can make it.

      Bit by bit. We will reach there.

      At least here, I have shown that it NOT impossible!

      Starting low is NOT an end.

  2. Will provide the answer in 10 yrs time. Sustainable or not. LOL!

  3. Hmm.. Assuming capital appreciation and dividend reinvestment are not taken into account, a 10-year horizon means the person must save and invest 100,000 a year. The person must be earning a really high salary in order to afford so. :(

  4. if you have one mil in bank now, will you invest now or leave it?

    1. When we are not sure what to do?

      Take neutral path e.g. 50-50

    2. 50-50 is NOT average leh.

      50-50 is the middle path. Median.

    3. 100 men cross the river.

      50 men have crossed over safely

      Less than 20 men didn't make.

      You have to cross the river to survive or you risk dying.

      Do or Do Not?
