Saturday 31 January 2015

Cost of outsourcing your investment e.g. STI ETF (3) - Reposting

Really low cost expenses? Think again!

Read? Cost of outsourcing your investment e.g. STI ETF (3)

1 comment:

  1. Fund cost is relative. It depends on what do we benchmark with.

    If we benchmark with active manage fund like Unit Trust or Mutual Fund, then STI ETF is low cost.

    If we benchmark with SPDR 500, then STI ETF is high cost. SPDR 500 has Forex risk.

    IMO, I don't mind to pay 0.3% of invested fund. For example, if I invest $100K, then the cost will be $300 per year. After minus off the fund cost, I probably still able to get 2.8% dividend.
