Saturday 30 August 2014

Three shots. Game over???

Read? How a Sea Change In Singapore’s Share Market Can Benefit You

b) Spread out your risk (buy in thirds)

Having a smaller board lot size makes it a lot easier for investors to “buy in thirds.” As a quick reminder, “buying in thirds” is described in Step 10 as follows:
“Simply divide the total dollar amount you want to devote to a particular investment by three, and pick three different points in time to add to your position.”
It can be a great way for a new investor to start out. If you’re someone new, the share market can seem to be a scary place and this is where smaller allocations can help.

CW8888: Same. same!

Three shots. Game over???

Now small retail investors can have many three shots games at our biggest Fun Fair - SGX.

Read? Portfolio Management - Buying Rule

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