Tuesday 1 April 2014

Sembcorp wins industry and govt recognition for China water business

GOOD things come in pairs. For Singapore's Sembcorp Industries, it is gaining both industry and government recognition for its industrial water business in China.

The first was a major award for its wholly owned Chinese subsidiary, Sembcorp China.

It won the "Leader in Wastewater Treatment for Chemical Industrial Parks" category in the China Water Industry Annual Award 2013.

The award, organised by China's most influential environmental media China-WaterNet, recognises Sembcorp's achievements in providing industrial wastewater treatment within chemical industrial parks in China over the past decade, as well as its success in securing new wastewater treatment pro-jects in the Panjin Fine Chemical Industrial Park in Liaoning province and Caofeidian Chemical Industrial Park in Hebei province in 2013.

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