Thursday 27 January 2011

My War Room (7) - The Last Mile

Read? My War Room (6) - The Lost Years

"Sometime we may learn from other people's experiences but at times we may have to re-look at our own experiences and learn from them as well." - Createwealth8888.

Read? Chasing the last $100K (last mile) and may fall hard!
I have learnt my lessons on "The Lost Years" and "The Last Mile."
I am no longer bolder and greedier in the "new" last mile.
I hope not to repeat the Lost Years again by shifting into protective mode and becoming less offensive in the last mile.

1. I have zero debts and no property. Net worth excludes residential home, CPF SA and Medisave.
2. Portfolio = Capital + Realized P/L + Unrealized P&L
                  = Stocks (at closing price) + Available cash left for investing

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