Sunday 1 August 2010

Financially stupid people are everywhere. Don't be one of them.

Following the First Rule of Finance and managing the Three Cs takes up little time and guarantees financial success:

First Rule of Finance: Spend no more than 80% of your take-home pay. (All expenses including home loans and insurances)

Credit cards: Never carry a balance

Cars: Don't finance. Pay cash for your vehicles.

Castles: Put at least 20% down on your house, and keep the mortgage payment below 40% of your take-home pay.

Investing Can Wait

Before you master First Rule of Finance and the three Cs, investing can wait.

"Buy, sell, profit!" is not easy.

"Save steadily" is the way to go before investing!

If you want to know more, borrow it from NLB.

"Financially stupid people are everywhere. Don't be one of them." - Jason Kelly

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